A Breakdown in Process

The Pentagon announced that no one will ever be held accountable or punished for the drone killing of 10 civilians in Kabul during the pullout from Afghanistan. Just one of those things. Stuff happens, and no one knows why.

Why Is Australian Citizen Julian Assange Subject to US Law?

Pretty much unique among nations, the United States asserts that its laws apply to the rest of the world, including to foreign nationals. How on earth can Julian Assange, a citizen of Australia who has never been a resident of the United States, face sedition charges in the U.S.?

Love, American Racist Style

Is it racist not to be attracted to members of a certain race or to be attracted to members of one race more than another? Of course it is. Nothing could be more racist. So why do dating apps allow people to select by race?

Child Crime, Child Time

The accused shooter in the Oxford Township Michigan school massacre is 15 years old yet was charged as an adult. Whenever exceptions are made to protections and rights, it’s always in favor of the state and against the individual. What if sometimes it went the other way around?

Maybe We Should Have Democratic Elections before We Start Lecturing About Democracy

The irony is always palpable when the United States lectures the world about democracy, as Joe Biden is currently doing with his Summit for Democracy. How does invading sovereign states, interfering with elections and propping up dictatorships play into that? Not to mention the fact that our own president isn’t truly democratically elected.

Besides That?

Democrats seem confused that Joe Biden’s approval ratings are dropping precipitously despite the fact that the economy isn’t terrible, he is acting on COVID-19 and he has passed a significant infrastructure bill. They don’t seem to understand that voters look first and foremost for strength and leadership in the commander-in-chief, and that Joe Biden is inherently incapable of projecting those two qualities.

Adult Crime, Childish Thinking Time

Once again a child has been subjected to the legal absurdity of being charged as an adult. This time the target is Ethan Cumbley, suspect in a mass school shooting in Michigan. If you can pretend that a child is an adult and is exactly the same, you can pretend just about anything.

Be Careful of the Inflation You Don’t Wish for

Conventional economic wisdom harbors a great fear of inflation. But deflation is even worse. It is entirely possible that the economy will seize up again as people decide to stay home and away from stores during the rise of the omicron variant.

Fun for the Whole Country! Race Trial!

Every so often there’s another so-called “race trial.” Whether the defendant is white as in the Arbury trial or Black as with O.J. Simpson, or a racially-tinged trial like that of Kyle Rittenhouse, Americans increasingly root for their side the same way that they support their favorite sport team. These clown shows substitute for rolling up our sleeves to try to get rid of racism once and for all.


Political centrists, including those who run the mainstream corporate media, position themselves as reasonable and more rational than proponents of ideas to their left or to the right. But the militant moderates are fanatics in their own right, closed to any possibility that they might be mistaken and willing to ruthlessly crush opposing views.
