My Brand New Book! “2024: Revisited”

My first new book in three years is an old book. Sort of. Please support my work, and let me know what you think of the book. Here’s the promotional text: Back in the year 2000, Ted Rall wrote and drew his graphic novel, 2024. It seems like an eternity. Bill Clinton was president. The biggest TV shows in America were ER and Friends; the Foo Fighters and Linkin Park topped the music charts. More than 90% of households had a landline phone. Blockbuster Video had 9,000 brick-and-mortar stores. No one had heard of YouTube or Netflix. No one had ever been “canceled” the way we now understand that word. 2024 was Rall’s loving parody and update of George Orwell’s dystopian classic Nineteen Eighty-Four. It was also an attempt to predict what society would look and feel like 24 years into the future…now. This was a time when one-third of Americans still relied on dial-up landline phone connections to access…
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The Stringer

April 21, 2021 Ted Rall’s most recent graphic novel with Pablo Callejo is ripped from the headlines. Suffering from budget cuts, layoffs, and a growing suspicion that his search for the truth has become obsolete, veteran war correspondent Mark Scribner is about to throw in the towel on journalism when he discovers that his hard-earned knowledge can save his career and make him wealthy and famous. All he has to do is pivot to social media and, with a few cynical twists, abandon everything he cares about most. Artwork is by Pablo “Bluesman” Callejo. Rall wrote the text. Graphic Novel, 2021 NBM Publishing Hardback, 8.5″x11″, 152 pp., $24.99 Click here to Order via Amazon. Or, to buy personally autographed copies directly, simply click the PayPal link below. A few things: Thanks to Trump’s idiot budget-slashing postmaster, the post office is fucked up. Expect delays in shipment. I use USPS Priority Mail within the United States. If you’re not in the…
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Political Suicide: The Fight for the Soul of the Democratic Party

Publication Date: June 23, 2020 Ted Rall’s latest is a no-holds-barred look at the civil war raging within the Democratic Party in the graphic style of his national bestseller, Bernie. There’s a split in the Democratic Party. Progressives are surging with ideas and candidates like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. 72 percent of Democratic voters are progressives. But centrists like Tom Perez and the Clintons still run the DNC party apparatus–and they don’t want to compromise. Intraparty warfare exploded into the open in 2016. It’s even bigger now. The struggle goes back decades, to the New Left and the election of Richard Nixon over George McGovern. It continued with the Democratic establishment’s quashing of insurgent progressives like Jesse Jackson, Ralph Nader and Howard Dean. The vast scale of the DNC’s secret conspiracy to stop Bernie Sanders in 2016 nomination came out courtesy of WikiLeaks. Will Democrats again become the party of the working person? Or will the corporatists…
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Bernie: Revised Edition

Publication Date: April 9, 2020 The only graphic novel-style biography of the Presidential Contender who revitalized the Left within the Democratic Party. National Bestseller updated for 2020 with 24 new pages taking Bernie into the 2020 election. Ted Rall’s Bernie explores the personal and political development of a man who burst onto the national stage in 2015—rallying Americans and shaking up the Democratic Party—after decades in Congress. He’s leading the polls, but win or lose the Democratic nomination for 2020, he’s setting a new benchmark for a revived progressivism within a party that has rejected it for half a century. Insightful, funny, and accessible, this biography-in-graphic-novel-form of the presidential candidate explains both his early life and political rise, but also shows the broader history (and decline) of progressive democratic values in the U.S. until Bernie brought them back to the forefront of the political conversation. Current Events/Biography, 2020 Seven Stories Press Paperback, 5″x7″, 192 pp., $16.95 Click here to Order…
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Francis: The People’s Pope

Publication Date: March 13, 2018 Order at Amazon! He thought his church career was drawing to a close. Then he was asked to take over a Catholic Church in crisis. Religiosity was in decline in the West. And the Catholic Church was in bigger trouble than any other institution you could think of. Losing parishioners, shrinking in power and prestige and discredited by corruption and sex scandals, a 2000-year-old church that traces its origins to Saint Peter was on the ropes, in danger of losing its viability everywhere but Latin America. So the council of cardinals turned to Latin America for its savior. Francis brought newfound humility, transparency and charisma to a church that desperately needed it…but first he had to answer some hard questions about the sins that came with his rise to power. Current Events/Biography, 2017 Seven Stories Press Paperback, 5″x7″, 192 pp., $16.95 To Order A Personally Signed Copy directly from Ted:   Shipped Where? United States…
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Meet the Deplorables: Infiltrating Trump America

Publication Date: December 12, 2017 Order at Indiebound! Order at Amazon! Order at Barnes and Noble. Legendary infiltration journalist Harmon Leon is at it again, this time teaming up with ferocious political cartoonist Ted Rall answer the question most of America has been asking: “What the hell happened in 2016?” In their new book, Meet the Deplorables: Infiltrating Trump America, Leon goes deep undercover into the heart of Trump America, and Rall–two-time winner of the RFK Journalism Award and a Pulitzer Prize finalist–adds an innovative extra dimension to the book with his own essays and full-color cartoons. Running throughout Meet the Deplorables, Rall’s distinctive artwork enhances the insightful and often irreverent tone employed by Leon–an award-winning New York journalist whose stories have appeared in VICE, Esquire, The Nation, and National Geographic. In his inimitable Gonzo-style, Leon’s carefully crafted narrative is designed to help us understand (and humanize) the “deplorables,” a word used by Hillary Clinton during the 2016 campaign to…
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Trump: A Graphic Biography

Publication Date: July 26, 2016 Order at Amazon! Everyone in America thought they knew Donald Trump: the real estate magnate, reality TV star and bigger than life personality lived his life in the tabloids. Little did they know – though he hinted at it repeatedly – that he planned to take American politics by storm. This graphic biography explores the little-known episodes that helped form the man who shocked the U.S. media by launching the hostile takeover of the Republican Party, and whose wild political agenda could subvert representative democracy for years to come. Current Events/Biography, 2016 Seven Stories Press Paperback, 5″x7″, 192 pp., $16.95 To Order A Personally Signed Copy directly from Ted: Shipped Where? United States $16.95 USDEurope $22.95 USDOutside U.S. & Europe $26.95 USD Want It Dedicated? To Whom?
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Publication Date: January 19, 2016 Order at Amazon! As a kid growing up in Brooklyn, Bernie Sanders was surrounded by grinding poverty that turned families against each other as they scrimped and saved to pay their bills. Bernie saw politics as his chance to give a decent life to everyone, not just those born to wealth or the lucky few who hit it big. But the Democratic Party and the country overall were moving to the right. Bernie joined a tiny independent party from Vermont. He ran for mayor. As a socialist. And won. Now he’s running for the Democratic nomination for president. Check out his amazing story and what his campaign means to you. Current Events/Biography, 2015 Seven Stories Press Paperback, 5″x7″, 208 pp., $16.95 To Order A Personally Signed Copy directly from Ted: Shipped Where? United States $16.95 USDEurope $22.95 USDOutside U.S. & Europe $26.95 USD Want It Dedicated? To Whom?
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Publication Date: August 25, 2015 Order at Amazon! As many as 1.4 million citizens with security clearance saw some or all of the same documents revealed by NSA contractor Edward Snowden. Why did he, and no one else, decide to step forward and take on the risks associated with becoming a whistleblower and then a fugitive? Rall’s all-comic, full-color biography delves into Snowden’s early life and work experience, his personality, and the larger issues of privacy, surveys the new surveillance technologies being deployed against the American people, and the recent history of government intrusion. Rall describes Snowden’s political vision and hopes for the future. The book tells two stories: Snowden’s and a larger one that describes all of us on the threshold of tremendous technological upheaval and political change. Snowden is a portrait of a brave young man standing up to the most powerful government in the world and, if not winning, at least reaching a stand-off, and in this…
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After We Kill You, We Will Welcome You As Honored Guests: Unembedded in Afghanistan

An independent account—in words and pictures—of America’s longest war from the beginning of the end to the end of the beginning. I traveled deep into Afghanistan—without embedding myself with U.S. soldiers, without insulating myself with flak jackets or armored SUVs—where no one else would (except, of course, Afghans). I made two trips, the first in the wake of 9/11, the next ten years later, to see what ten years of U.S. occupation had wrought. On the first trip, I was shouting his dispatches into a satellite phone provided by a Los Angeles radio station, attempting to explain that the booming in the background—and sometimes the foreground—were the sounds of an all-out war that no one at home would entirely own up to. Ten years later, the alternative newspapers and radio station that had funded my first trip could no longer afford to send me into harm’s way—so I turned to Kickstarter to fund a groundbreaking effort to publish online a…
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