Somewhat Less Than Ideal Messenger

Democrats are facing tough polling numbers going into the 2022 midterm elections, in large part because of inflation. They should probably get someone to say something, maybe Joe Biden, but that doesn’t seem like a viable prospect.

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  • alex_the_tired
    February 21, 2022 4:43 PM

    Inflation is, I suspect, the triggering cause. That is, if it were JUST inflation, it wouldn’t be too bad. But the laundry list of ways Joe Biden and the democrats have botched everything they’ve deigned to touch simply makes the inflation the thing that finally has people just walking away in disgust. Student loans, no health care, all that jazz. And anyone who’s paying any attention knows what’s coming: all those back payments to credit cards, all the landlords getting set to evict people. Hurricane season’s just about to start.
    I keep saying it because I honestly believe it: the only way the dems keep control is if Biden forgives all the student loans and starts pushing universal single payer healthcare. The first is to get the votes the party needs to survive the midterms, the second is what he has to promise to deliver — and then do so — after the midterms.
    And he better get to stepping. Trump’s going to announce any day now, seeing as how the subpoenas and indictments are beginning to creep toward delivery. And once Trump announces, Biden won’t be able to get five minutes of press time. (Seriously, has any president ever been so overshadowed by his predecessor? All the news is Trump. Trump did this. Trump said that. Trump ate a sandwich.)

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