In Capitalism, Workers Lose Even When They Gain

If you are an American worker who is finally getting a higher salary after decades of losing ground to inflation, there is something especially dispiriting about seeing your raise get completely me up by inflation that is increasing even faster.

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  • alex_the_tired
    February 25, 2022 9:33 AM

    I am reminded of the meme that shows a woman who looks like she’s got something terminal with a caption that runs something like, “I just want to own a house and have decent health care once before this whole cursed planet dies.”
    New York just passed a law that takes effect in May that forces companies to disclose salaries in job ads. It also means they might find themselves on the chopping block for class-action suits from employees who were chronically underpaid.
    I can smell the revolution coming. We still need a couple more events to happen. The student loans, the coming evictions, the forced bankruptcies due to medical illness …

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