Democrats oppose Republican schemes to make it harder to vote. No one can argue with that. But what’s the point of voting if it doesn’t lead to meaningful change?
Follow Science or Your Weird Sky God
Liberal Democrats urge vaccine resistant Americans, particularly Republicans, to follow science and get vaccinated against COVID-19. Solid advice. But the very same liberal Democrats are willing to grant religious exceptions to vaccine mandates even though religion runs entirely contrary to science.
Big Tech Is Killing People
The Wall Street Journal has published “the Facebook papers,” which revealed that Facebook and other big technology companies have been more than willing to monetize disinformation and misinformation, even when it needs to people’s deaths. Legacy media is laughing, but they should look at themselves too.
Employment Angst in the Time of Covid
American employers spent decades treating employees like crap. They slashed salaries, eliminated training, disrespected them, increased their working hours and then, when they were done with them, unceremoniously fired them in mass layoffs. Now they need more workers but people have moved onto their own businesses or family obligations instead.
We Are Crazy, Not Partisan
Aware that the American public no longer trusts them and believes them to be deeply partisan, members of the Supreme Court of the United States have been telling public forums that they make decisions objectively, based on legal doctrine rather than personal politics. But there’s no denying their voting records. How can they be so much in denial?