
President Joe Biden is almost certainly too old and mentally infirm to run for reelection in 2024. Besides that, his approval rating is low. Vice President Kamala Harris is the obvious alternative except for the fact that her approval rating is even worse. Corporate Democrats keep flailing, trying to find one of their own who is acceptable. Meanwhile, they repeatedly blocked the most popular politician in America.

Inflation Is Irrelevant If You Can’t Buy Anything Anyway

Inflation worries are pushing down approval ratings for President Biden and the Democrats. But this might be one of those cases of two wrongs making a right. Or maybe three. You can’t really spend extra money on higher prices if there’s no one around to sell you a product, or if the product is still stuck on a container ship somewhere.

The Right Job for Kamala

According to White House sources, Vice President Kamala Harris and her staff feel sidelined by the president, and annoyed that he is giving her tasks that aren’t suitable to her skill set, whatever that is. Sending innocent men to death row? Being annoying?

Survival of the Fittest

No animal would choose not to do what it needs to survive. No animal is that stupid, except human beings. The failed COP26 climate conference provides more proof that we’re too stupid or lazy to stop killing the planet’s environment we need to live by transitioning to sustainable energy sources.

Fascism? You’re Soaking In It.

Americans say the country is exceptional. Democrats make excuses for Joe Biden acting just like Donald Trump when it comes to human rights and common decency. There is no “besides that.”

The Greatest Resignation

Employers complaining that they can’t fill millions of jobs. Meanwhile, there are millions of unemployed people looking for work. Employers could fill jobs if they were to become realistic, adapt to the work force as it really is, and make those jobs better.

Tuesday Never Comes

Congressional progressives held the line for over 100 days, refusing to vote for a bipartisan infrastructure bill unless centrist Democrats agreed to support their progressive social spending legislation, Build Back Better. Finally they caved in exchange for a sketchy promise by five key centrist Democrats to vote for the progressive bill later on.

Embracing Cognitive Dissonance Is Only Logical

There are strong indications from oral arguments in the US Supreme Court that New York’s strong gun control law might be overturned. Liberals are up in arms. But there is only one logical solution to the problem, albeit gun control,a difficult one.

Promises Kept

An Australian study famously predicted that human civilization could totally collapse due to climate change by the year 2050. No one knows the precise time when that could happen, but it’s a pretty good guess. Feels like whistling past the graveyard when major emitters of greenhouse gases are promising merely to become carbon neutral after the end of civilization.

The Politics of Infinitesimality

Although the Virginia governors race upset of Democratic favorite Terry McAuliffe was viewed as a harbinger of what is to come next year, it’s important to remember that it was only decided by a couple of percentage points. Only in the United States are elections decided by single digits considered to represent seismic political shifts.
