We Are Worse Than the Taliban

The new Taliban government of Afghanistan received widespread international criticism for using whips and sticks against women protesting in favor of women’s rights. But Western countries like the United States use even harsher methods to suppress their own demonstrators.

Happy 9/11 Day

The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 left a bunch of ridiculous legacies that pretty much everyone with an ounce of sanity agrees we should let go. For example, let’s get rid of the TSA and go back to the old days of airport security. And let’s stop saying that we have to do something before we think about what to do.

The China Syndrome

Now that the US military is finally out of the horrid occupation of Afghanistan, the clique of professional warmongers has convinced President Biden that China is a threat. What kind of threat, they can’t exactly say, but a threat.

Hey Patsies! Want a Job?

Soon the US will invade another country and recruit locals to work for them. Who will be able to trust their assurances that they’ll be protected and evacuated afterward, given that so many Afghans were abandoned in Afghanistan?

Quit Bellyaching About Afghanistan

Joe Biden and his defenders say a messy evacuation from Afghanistan was inevitable, though if that’s true, why didn’t they plan accordingly? Now they argue that criticism of the execution of the withdrawal is tantamount to remaining indefinitely.

Blame He Who Must Be Named

Donald Trump has not been president of United States for well over six months, yet Democrats continue to blame him for everything that goes wrong. How long will they be able to place blame before taking responsibility?

Oh My God Afghan Women

As long as the United States was occupying Afghanistan, nobody seemed to care about the fact that women were getting stoned to death and were still forced to wear burqas in most of the country. Now the Taliban are back in charge and suddenly the plight of Afghan women is important again.

Good Ideas, Lousy Execution

President Biden was right to carry out the full withdrawal from Afghanistan, a war that was doomed from the start. But his execution of the withdrawal was absolutely abysmal, and his performance before the media is becoming downright 25th Amendment worthy.

How the US Succeeded in Afghanistan

The US is being mocked for having spent $83 billion to train and equip a modern and efficient army in Afghanistan that cut and run at the first sign of being challenged by the Taliban.
