They’re the last group of Americans it’s OK to mock and insult: stupid people. It’s time for woke people to stand up for these disadvantaged Americans!
Terror Comes to America
America’s use of drones against foreign countries is the epitome of might-makes-right policy. It’s extrajudicial, it’s an act of war, it’s brazen murder without justification. The US gets away with it for one simple reason: no one can stop it. And American citizens never put themselves in the position of being the victims, only the perpetrators. What if that were to change? One day it no doubt will.
Democratic Messaging on the Economy
It must be frustrating for President Biden to try to convince Americans that they are doing better than they feel they are doing. After all, the stock market is doing well, there is strong job growth and it’s easy to get a raise. But people are really obsessed about inflation and nothing Democrats say is going to change their minds.
Your Government in Action
When the COVID-19 pandemic first began, the US government should have began immediately shipping hundreds of masks to every American family from some giant warehouse somewhere. Now it’s the third year of the pandemic and everyone is getting one. If it’s the thought that counts, there hasn’t been much thought.
If We Were on the Other Side of the Ukraine-Russia Crisis
First the United States and its allies pressure Russia by placing missiles in Poland, near its border. Then the West tries to expand NATO right up to the Russian border, by inviting Ukraine to join. When the Russians respond by massing troops along their own border, we have the unmitigated nerve to say that they are provoking us.