Choose Your Cognitive Dissonance

My maniac right or wrong! That’s the insane posture of voters loyal to the two major party candidates, both of whom are obviously not up to mental snuff.

Hey, Just Kidding

A standard tactic for President Trump is to say something aggressively insane and then if it doesn’t go over well, pretend that he is simply just joking. I’m sure other historical figures would have loved to have deployed such a ridiculous tactic.

A Vote for Joe Biden

Joe Biden is asking Americans to do something they have never done before, elect a likely one-term president who is so mentally compromised that the country would be run by his cabinet and possibly his vice president.

Generic COVID-19 Corporate Messaging

You know how the ads go. They have THAT music. Some somber narrator comes on and announces that during these “uncertain times” given “what’s going on” that some corporation that never cared about you actually does.

A Few Bad Apples

It’s one of the most common shibboleths in our culture: only a few “bad apples” among the police are responsible for the abuse. And while it is true that police abuse seems to be concentrated by certain policemen, it’s also true that the entire system is completely corrupt. That goes double when you consider the cult of silence in most police departments.

Revolution via Zoom

Cops without masks. Cops too. Agitate for Black Lives Matter from the safety of your home.

Cops Kill White People Too

Cops kill more blacks than whites. But whites still get killed. Maybe it’s time for whites to believe when blacks tell them that the police are dangerous.
