Just What the Founders Had in Mind

How did we get here? Most Trump voters are voting against Biden and most Biden voters are voting against Trump. And this is the way it is in a lot of elections.

Just What the Founders Had in Mind

Ironically, Democrats picked Joe Biden as their nominee in part because they were worried that Bernie Sanders would be smeared as a socialist. But now Republicans are framing Biden as a socialist. And of course progressive think that he is too conservative.

Fascism Is so Much Simpler Than Democracy

In 1933 the German parliament passed a law that turned itself into a rubberstamp in favor of Adolf Hitler. In 2020 the Republican Party decided not to issue a platform. Instead, they turned themselves into a rubberstamp in favor of Donald Trump.

Why Are Our Victims so Uncooperative?

On Super Tuesday, the Democratic National Committee and President Obama carefully coordinated the replacement of Bernie Sanders by Joe Biden as the Democratic frontrunner for president. The new progressives would be upset but didn’t care because they figured progressives would have to vote for Biden no matter what. Now that that’s not the case, they are upset that their plan is not working.

The Thought Really Doesn’t Count

Everyone knows that Republicans have little appetite to help impoverished Americans get through the COVID-19 economic lockdown. But there isn’t much difference between them and Democrats when it comes to reality: neither of them will actually expand any political capital to get help to the people who need it.

Hope and Change 2: the Biden Years

Every candidate attracts unrealistic expectations but the Democratic idea that Joe Biden is going to fix everything that is wrong under Donald Trump has brought magical thinking to a fever pitch. Newsflash: if things get any better, it won’t be much better.

Good Thing the Nominee Isn’t a Socialist

Earlier this year when Bernie Sanders was in the lead for the Democratic presidential nomination, his centrist opponents said that he would be a bad standardbearer because the Republicans would call him a socialist. Now Joe Biden, anything but a socialist, is being targeted just the same way as though he had been Bernie Sanders.

Liberal Vote-Shaming Explained

Normally political parties try to attract constituencies but Democrats have an unusual approach to try to get progressives on board with their decidedly corporate centrist candidates this year: yell at them and call them names.

There Isn’t That Much Difference between Democrats and Republicans

Everyone is criticizing President Trump, and rightfully so, for the fact that he is so crude, belligerent and bullying to those he disagrees with. However, progressive people who are hesitant about the candidacy of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are getting similar reactions from fellow Democrats.
