If the Military Aren’t Suckers, Sucker Has No Meaning

According to a journalistically dubious article stating anonymous sources, President Trump calls members of the US military “suckers.” Who knows if he actually said it? But if he did, he wasn’t entirely wrong.

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  • Your article explained this cartoon very well. But I think the cartoon is not quite self-explanatory — at least, to Americans who have been fooled by the lies. You might add a link to the article in the paragraph below the cartoon.


  • What do you say, Ted – it’s a job, with a roof (or at least a tent) over one’s head, three hots a day, and a certain degree of medical insurance. Bombing villages and torturing people are some of the more unpleasant (dependent, of course, upon one’s tendencies) aspects of the job, but in the current state of the economy, beggars can’t be choosers). Who’s a sucker ?…


  • Trump said on Monday: “I’m not saying the military’s in love with me—the soldiers are, the top people in the Pentagon probably aren’t because they want to do nothing but fight wars so that all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy.”
    OK, good. However, if he is so concerned, why did he shovel even more $$$ into the military? If he was serious about dismantling the Military-Industrial Complex he would veto these bills.

  • alex_the_tired
    September 8, 2020 9:58 AM

    Oh look. The New York Post quotes the U.S. ambassador to France as denying the Atlantic’s claim. (https://nypost.com/2020/09/08/us-ambassador-to-france-says-trump-never-called-war-veterans-losers/)
    But keep in mind, she’s probably French. And we all know about them. Why, during WWII, they didn’t even put up a fight against the Nazis. (Did you know French doesn’t even have a word for “Resistance”?)

  • «If he was serious about dismantling the Military-Industrial Complex he would veto these bills.» Perhaps the suckers are those who believe Mr Trump to be serious about anything save his own desires ?…


  • After being indoctrinated by the Catholic Church into the idea that to kill is the gravest of sins, I retained that concept which persisted after my becoming atheist in fifth grade.

    I couldn’t believe that murder could be casually indulged in by Americans, and that the WWII generation didn’t seem evil to me, and having personally indulged in necessary violence against bullies myself (quite successfully, I might add), I didn’t see the problem in stopping bullies in other countries.

    I confess to having been a sucker and loser (a loser of many years in personal rehabilitation).

    When Trump (as do other duopoly party animals) speaks a truth it is still a lie because he speaks that truth contrary to his true nature as a liar.

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