Work Inside Our System

Defenders of the health insurance industry reacted to the murder of United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson in New York by saying that murder and violence are never the answer because there’s always the option of working within the political system to reform a business based on profiting off pain, misery and death of sick Americans. In reality, however, the system does not allow any challenge to the status quo.

Let’s Go Steady Until I Kill You

The overthrow of President Bashar al-Assad by Islamist rebels in Syria has outside factions scrambling for influence with the new rulers, HTS, who are former members of Al Qaeda and ISIS. The United States is among the suitors, offering to work with the Islamists. But these love affairs tend to have an expiration date.q

Doing Your Best Within an Evil System

The quote in this cartoon is adapted from an employee of United Healthcare interviewed by the New York Times. It is remarkable for its lack of self-awareness. If the system is the problem, it’s immoral to work for the system.

Greed Has Good Odds

Corporate executives worried about becoming the targets of the next Brian Thompson-style killing of those who run an evil company have to choose between a chance of losing their lives versus the certainty of making more profits.

Move Right, No Matter What

Progressive Democrats and Corporate Democrats are blaming themselves for their party’s latest defeat. But the corporate Democrats run the party, it was their candidates including Biden and Harris who fell flat and they didn’t allow progressives to have anything to do with the campaign or their strategy.

Taking Stock

The murder of United Healthcare CEO Brian Thomas coupled with the overwhelmingly gleeful public reaction thereto has corporate executives at evil companies thinking twice–not about their actions, but upping their personal security.

How Americans Resist

Media organizations are reporting high levels of cancellations of newspapers and other news products in the week of the election of Donald Trump, as liberal Democrats depressed by the results decide to check out rather than to fight a man that they described as an existential threat to democracy.

Tis the Season to Hoard Cheap Crap

President-elect Donald Trump is threatening to impose big tariffs on imported goods, especially from countries like China. Might be a good idea to hoard cheap imported crap now.

How Long before I Can Carry a Pitchfork?

I fell and broke my wrist in two places. My urgent care place was wonderful, but referred me to a specialist they claimed carried my insurance. In fact, they did not. This is a common problem. Lists of covered providers are years out of date. Nothing is more maddening, especially when you are hurting and sick, to repeatedly be given the runaround about something as simple as whether a doctor accepts your insurance. If an insurance company claims that a doctor is in network, they should be liable if their list is wrong.

Aloha to the Vichy Democrats

Is it me, or is it a little strange for Joe Biden, and the Democrats, who repeatedly characterized Donald Trump as a bona fide fascist, to cooperate with his transition to power? Shouldn’t they be resisting? Maybe even trying to reverse the election results?

P.S. With the holidays soon to be upon us, remember: you could buy the Original Line Art for this cartoon! Either for a friend or yourself. Price is $400, includes shipping within US and a personal hand-signed dedication by yours truly. Contact me here: here.
