Perhaps, some day, politicians won’t waste the time they ought to be spending working to fix a problem on blaming one another for who was responsible. But that day is not today.
Apocalypse Looms. Who’s To Blame?

Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
6 Comments. Leave new
Ted, there’s multiple issues that already qualify for this condition and that have been “undealt with” for decades.
Universal health care? Hasn’t been done by the U.S. The Germans had it in 1883.
Climate change? Svante Arrhenius wrote a paper on it in 1896. James Hansen spoke about it before the Senate in 1988. Recently, Joe Biden’s handlers came up with a bill that didn’t do enough. The coal lobby (thank God, the walking stick lobby and the spats lobby didn’t get into the mix) didn’t like it, so they had their puppet Joe Manchin gum up the entire works. Biden, that consummate genius, let this happen because — as his mindless followers will bark on command — “We got something by compromising. Yes, the climate issue is a binary one in that going over the limit, whether by a little or a lot, locks in a whole set of catastrophic environmental changes. But this was not enough, and why can’t you be happy with that?”
Student loans? Anyone with the ability to look at an X-Y chart showing “tuition” on one axis and “how much the government will loan students” on the other axis can figure out why college has become so expensive. Rather than fix the problem (it’s a two-step solution), government simply keeps adding to it and has for decades.
The system has been like this for decades. This is not a new thing. The politicians won’t fix it today because they’re the same politicians who didn’t fix it yesterday, or yesteryear. God, what I wouldn’t give for Gen X to have been given a turn at the wheel.
Hollowood already made this movie: Don’t Look Up, 2021
Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence, Meryl Streep
I’ve been exploring this scenario long before that.
The second link show you were ahead of the curve.
Not to worry. The Russians and Chinese would take care of it. Unfortunately, they don’t seem to be inclined to take care of runaway climate change.