Intelligent Sexual Design

Given the innate conflicts in what psychiatrists say men and women need to get along, it’s a wonder they ever get together.

Inside the Dictator’s Suite

Apparently afflicted with a bizarre determination to disbelieve everyone else, the United States refused to believe Saddam Hussein when he said he didn’t have weapons of mass destruction. Which he didn’t. Now Kim Jong-un says he does have a hydrogen bomb, and the United States refuses to beleve him.

Obama Changed Everything

When Obama was elected, pundits said having the first-ever African-American president would change everything, especially for blacks. As it turns out, however, by most measures the lives of American blacks remained the same or got worse during his two terms. Now women are being told that the election of Hillary Clinton as the first woman president would lead to meaningful changes for women.

We Get the Politicians We Deserve

“We get the politiians we deserve.” People say it so often that it’s a bonafide cliche. But when you think about it, how can that possibly be true in a system that is unresponsive to citizens?

Doubt of the Benefit

If you’re an ordinary civilian, you can count on prosecutors and police officials to game the system to maximize your punishmen when you commit a crime. If you’re a cop, however, they’ll bend over backwards, even making excuses for you, to make sure you get off the hook.

Freaking Out Over Nothing

San Bernadino mass shooting; terrorism; 9/11; overreaction; nuke them; nuke ’em; freaking out; terror; Hillary Clinton; 2016 presidential campaign; Ted Cruz; Donald Trump

Sanders, Trumpified

Donald Trump has hardly spent any of his own money to run his presidential campaign, and is running at the top of the polls as a result of free media coverage. Bernie Sanders, on the other hand, isn’t getting any traction, partly because he doesn’t say anything outrageous. Time to switch it up!


Donald Trump flirts with such fascist principles as discriminating against all Muslims on the basis of their religion and mass deportations. These are the kinds of policies that typically lead to concentration camps. The Donald’s death camps will be the classiest ever!

Santa Claus, 2015 Edition

In an age of melting polar ice caps and banned chimneys, how does Santa Claus argue for himself as a legitimate myth?
