Donald Trump has promised to deport all 11 million illegal immigrants from the United States if elected president. The optics of this forced population movement would be horrific, with millions of children who don’t remember their countries of origin ripped away from the homes in the dead of night and sent to internment camps. And there is nothing Trump needs from Congress to make this happen. He wouldn’t even need to issue an executive order.
Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
39 Comments. Leave new
Trump – the grandson of an immigrant pimp – would deport ‘rapists.’ I suppose illicit sex is okay so long as you make a profit off of it, eh, Trump Chumps?
Trump’s family was German – at a time when Germans were in ill repute. His family was subjected to the same kind of prejudice he now espouses.
But then, hypocrisy and dishonesty have never counted against GOP contenders in the past.
What’s the difference? Well, there are immigrants, migrants, criminal border-crashers, and economic invaders.
Immigrants are people who ask for, get vetted, and recieve permission to become a politically enfranchised, viable economic member of society. A legal migrant is someone who asks a sovereign government for permission to economically exploit (and be exploited by) said government’s nation. The scum that T-rump wants to deport are the criminal border-crashers and the economic invaders.
Oh yes, I know, the scum invaders do try to produce — as many as possible — cute little scum anchor-babies so they can tug at the liberal conscience of all those bleeding-heart liberals who are not being severely economically assaulted by the border-crashers. But either you have rule of law, or you get buried by the masses of unfiltered scum that crosses your border. Right now America is getting buried.
Meanwhile, did Trumps forebears avoid using the long route (you know, the Ellis Island tour) of legal immigration? If so, then he is a confirmed hypocrite. Otherwise, it’s stupid to use that criticism against him. Even as it is, the German language almost became the official way of communicating in America.
> A legal migrant is someone who asks a sovereign government for permission …
In which case, the pilgrims and the puritans and the founders were all illegals, and therefore you are a “cute little scum anchor-baby”
> did Trumps forebears avoid using the long route (you know, the Ellis Island tour) of legal immigration?
Actually, g’daddy Chump came across before Ellis Island opened.
> Right now America is getting buried.
Not by Mexicans it’s not. We’re immigration neutral WRT Mexico today, and have been for some time. Or maybe you were thinking about all those Canadian wetbacks swimming across the Lake Erie?
Trump’s g’daddy was Fredrich Trump. And guess what? His name doesn’t show up in the Castle Garden records
Again, T-rump ain’t anti-immigrant, instead he’s mostly anti-invader. An invader is anybody who trespasses into a sovereign realm without permission. He dog-talks about the Mexicans mostly because — well — most of them (who have and still are) coming over the border for residency purposes are doing so illegally. As it is, the illegals are also coming from Central and South America, Asia, and yes, even Canada sometimes (mostly Canadians who are tired of living half the year in a deep freeze) though they usually do it the legal route.
Anyway, all illegals need to be booted out.
Back during the days of the Pilgrims/Puritans, etc, the Earth had half a billion people on it. Right now, our 3rd-Rock marble is populated with 7 and a quarter billion. The resources just ain’t there like they used to be. Consequently, letting criminals move in and steal those resources is stupid.
Criminal migrants don’t just casually register … yet you’re absolutely certain that the IA entry is now neutral? Well, Trump wants to reverse that flow of STILL ILLEGALLY INHABITING border-crashers. Sounds good to me. Again, the RULE-OF-LAW and all that.
> An invader is anybody who trespasses into a sovereign realm without permission.
Agreed. Your ancestors trespassed into a sovereign realm without permission. They were criminals moving in and stealing resources. No argument there.
> Anyway, all illegals need to be booted out.
So you’ll be on the next bus back to Europe, right? Otherwise, y’know, you’d be a hypocrite.
And Indians fought and stole from each other. Guess they shouldn’t have objected to European invasion. That was hypocritical of them.
Indians didn’t put a bounty on other Indians’ heads; they didn’t give them blankets purposely infected with smallpox; nor did they lock them up on reservations.
But most importantly, they didn’t proclaim themselves ‘civilized’ while claiming the right to slaughter ‘savages’ wholesale.
“Your ancestors trespassed into a sovereign realm without permission. They were criminals moving in and stealing resources. No argument there.”
Indeed. And what happened to the Indians?
> And what happened to the Indians?
Both you boys are hip deep in false equivalence. The Mexicans are not technologically superior, nor are they perpetrating genocide. They’re just looking for Land of Opportunity you take for granted.
And what did either of you do to earn your citizenship? Did you pass the citizenship test and swear your allegiance? Or were you simply born here?
What opportunity? How do you think an influx of desperate people are going to impact structural unemployment, stagnant wages and overburdened social services? I would imagine that someone who cares about the working class wouldn’t want to make their burdens heavier.
And they don’t need superior technology – not when they have our own better natures to take advantage of. Look at the havoc the third-world influx has done in response to European multiculturalism.
Mexican immigrants didn’t cause the structural problems. Those were caused by the other European immigrants who got here first.
In a healthy economy, more workers mean more wealth for everyone. In point of fact, undocumented Mexican workers actually raise wages for “natives.” Many have bogus SSNs so the employer can pretend that he didn’t know they weren’t citizens. They never collect those funds, and that means more for us!
Multiculturalism is not the problem, intolerance is the problem; multiculturalism is the solution.
Well said, Fleming. Long, long ago the Democrats were the party of the white working class. The third world parasites have figured out just how weak Americans and Europeans have become and how easy it is to take advantage of our better nature.
And of course CH calls the illegal aliens “undocumented workers,” who are just after “opportunity” as if they all have jobs. It’s not like a large portion of them are racists, layabouts, or violent offenders. Tell you what CH, go live with them. Be the multiculturalist champion!
Yeah, we were born American. That’s one way citizenship works. These people are Mexican citizens, who also didn’t “earn” that. We don’t get to claim Mexican citizenship after all.
Smallpox? I assume you are referring to Amherst since there is no proof of whites ever using this tactic any other time. And of course, since you know your history, there’s also no proof he carried out his idea. And even if he did, biological warfare was hardly new.
Just admit it already. The real problem you have is that whites WON. We were more effective in our brutality than the Indians. At the end of the line, that’s all you have: that whites had the gall to succeed in the conflict. Had we lost, maybe you wouldn’t complain so much. But someone has to win conflicts.
Yes, Jack “undocumented workers” because a large portion of the people you’re scared of are not immigrants in the sense that they plan to put down roots. They are migrant farm workers who have been part of the agricultural scene for decades. If it weren’t for them, you’d be paying ten bucks for a head of lettuce.
I asked you what you did to earn your citizenship, and rather than reply you said that Mexicans didn’t either. That’s true. It’s also my point. You didn’t “earn” your citizenship any more than the Latino you look down on.
I have no problem “admitting” that whites “won” in North America. (see? I just did so) (as if it weren’t obvious by observation) The problem I have is with whiners like you who believe that somehow you, personally, are entitled to reap the benefits simply because you were born on a particular side of an imaginary line. That you are somehow better than someone else because of it.
It’s not just Latinos, either, you believe yourself to be better than gays, blacks, Muslims, and women as well. That very belief shows you to be an inferior sort of person, scared that he’s not actually at the top of the pyramid after all. That fear leads you to invent reasons to look down on others; rather than build yourself up, you seek to tear others down.
I realize that if I build others up, the entire world benefits – myself included. I have no need to look down on others because I am not scared in the first place.
I didn’t call them immigrants. In fact I’d be the last to do so because it’s also incorrect. I called them illegal aliens which covers migrant workers. You like to make big talk about how you’re so informed. A number of these aliens are indeed interested in genocide. Do I need to post the videos here of them draping themselves in the Mexican flag, chanting “la raza,” and shouting how they are taking over America? Do you not know about the drug running, assaulting, human trafficking, raping, torturing, and murdering?
Being born in a nation makes one more likely to be loyal to it, but as we can see in your case, does not ensure it. More than a little ironic that you are the one asserting the lack of significance of being natural born. I actually would favor having citizenship be earned by all. It’s usually the Left that wants anyone to vote even if they are illegal, have already voted, or can’t read.
And on the contrary, you do quite clearly need to look down on others as near every day here alone you denigrate others for being in your view morally and intellectually inferior.
It’s not an imaginary line. It is a national and political line that makes a very real difference in loyalty and identity and interests.
Did you forget your meds again, Jack?
> It’s usually the Left that wants anyone to vote even if they are illegal, have already voted, or can’t read.
Documentation, please? Do I really need to document the right’s attempts to disenfranchise legitimate voters? Or all the shenanigans that put Bush in the White House in spite of losing the election?
> A number of these aliens are indeed interested in genocide.
What number? Documentation please? Genocide is the direct result of bigotry, such as that which you’ve demonstrated in the disgusting post above.
> Do you not know about the drug running, assaulting, human trafficking, raping, torturing, and murdering?
Do you not know that those things are perpetrated by Aryan types in the USA? Is there some reason you don’t tar all US citizens with the same brush?
> you do quite clearly need to look down on others as near every day here alone you denigrate others for being in your view morally and intellectually inferior.
I define “morally and intellectually inferior” based on individuals’ morals and intellect. You do so based on groups’ race, creed, and national origin. These things are in no way equivalent.
Bigotry? You’re doing that thing again where you see what you want to see. You do this every time DanD or I expose the racism of members of another race.
You know full well I didn’t say all illegal aliens are violent or racist. But the ones that are are the ones that concern me. And they *should* concern you as well. But you don’t care that we’re importing people who drain our resources and commit crimes at a far higher rate. IOW, you care more about foreigners than your own countrymen. Now that’s disgusting.
Illegals voting? That’s an easy one.
Genocidal aliens is tougher. Mainstream media doesn’t report on the border. Authorities keep alternative journalists away. And nobody is about to conduct a poll to see how many illegal aliens believe the Southwest is Mexican territory that must be cleansed of the dirty gringos. A minority large enough to cause serious alarm in my view certainly. I would love to get documentation as you say.
Yeah I’m not answerable for Dubya. Thanks. But you do prove my point. You believe having to prove ID or know how to read is bad. You talk out of both sides of your mouth. You just posted Mencken, but when it comes to measures against voter fraud, you’re all “OMG disenfranchisement!!!”
Proving the violence is also pretty easy.
The real question is why do progressives support policies that encourage and incentivize women and girls to risk almost certain rape? Misogyny? Shit. And you think *I’m* the one who doesn’t care about Hispanics or women.
“Methinks thou dost protest too much.”
One of your articles is about migrants getting raped – an altogether different thing than migrants raping. Maybe you need to ask your mommy to explain it to you.
The other (from Breitbart, seriously?) says, “they COULD BE allowed to vote in elections IF the Secretary of State’s office fails to verify their eligibility properly.” – which is true for any form of voter registration and a far cry from “wants anyone to vote even if they are illegal”
Mencken was a chauvinist and a racist, true, but he said some pretty cool things. One seems particularly apt in any discussion of Trump, “No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people” (paraphrased)
But even that isn’t as funny as this gem, “You know full well I didn’t say all illegal aliens are violent or racist.”
Okay, you didn’t say precisely that, but let’s look at what you did say:
rampant lawlessness and overwhelming invasion
they have no respect for this land or its laws.
a large portion of them are racists, layabouts, or violent offenders.
A number of these aliens are indeed interested in genocide.
shouting how they are taking over America
drug running, assaulting, human trafficking, raping, torturing, and murdering
drain our resources and commit crimes at a far higher rate.
llegal aliens believe the Southwest is Mexican territory that must be cleansed of the dirty gringos.
… and that’s just this one column.
But I never said you were a racist asshole. eh-hem. “You’re a racist asshole” okay, now I did say it. You’re welcome to quote me on it.
No, I realize that it is racist to state facts. It’s 2016 after all.
Really though. I stand by everything I said. I never said they all are bad. Or that it’s because of their race. That’s the difference. That would make it racist. If I cared.
I post a HuffPo article and you mock the Brietbart one? Seriously? In any event there are plenty of other outlets that ran the story.
You’re a laugh a minute, Jackie. Even when confronted with your own words, even when you are completely unable to document your bullshit, you *still* insist that you’re speaking only truth.
Actually, it is entirely possible to promote a racist agenda by stating only facts. But that’s got nothing to do with the bullshit you keep trying to pass off as fact.
Moreover, your use of weasel words (“I never said ALL” … “Nobody knows how many…” “I could document it if I wanted to, but I don’t care.”) shows that you know damn good and well that you’re trying to pass off bullshit as fact. Your evident belief that you’re too subtle to be caught is abso-fucking-lutely hilarious.
But I vastly prefer honest racists to weasels like you. Neither of you are fit to live in a civilized society, but at least they have the balls to say what they actually mean.
But y’know what? You’re constantly making yourself & your racist agenda look bad. Ultimately, that’s a good thing. By all means, keep it up.
… please?
That argument worked so well in pre-WWII Germany, why not try it here, and with a wall, too?
What could go wrong?
The territorial reality of pre(or post)-WWII Germany is irrelevant to that of America. On the European Continent, at that time, Germany had borders with at least 9 other countries, and was predominately land-locked. America had (and still has) borders with just two other nations, one to the north and one on the South. On the east and the west, our borders are the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, even as our southern border is at least a third Gulf of Mexico.
There is no significantly similar migrant correlation between WWII Germany and America today.
@ DD
I laugh in your face.
No, I realize that it is racist to state facts. It’s 2016 after all.
Really though. I stand by everything I said. I never said they all are bad. Or that it’s because of their race. That’s the difference. That would make it racist. If I cared.
I post a HuffPo article and you mock the Brietbart one? Seriously? In any event there are plenty of other outlets that ran the story.
Let me just put the timeline down here.
c. 3200 B.C. — First known development of writing.
This was good because information no longed needed to be lost when an individual died. Important knowledge could be preserved for future generations.
c. 1999 — The Internet begins to make inroads in print media.
LOLcats, the destruction of the entire porn industry, etc., are still years away. But the media almost immediately jumps upon a brilliant strategy: Give it all away freely.
c. 2005 — Freed from the tyranny of a bunch of mostly old, mostly white, mostly straight, mostly men controlling everything we see and hear in mainstream news outlets, the quality of our political discourse expanded exponentially. Everyone is extremely polite, no one mentions Hitler, and all discussions are staggeringly free of racist diatribes … sorry, that’s what happened on Bizarro world. Here? The news industry imploded. Entire papers ceased publication. A variety of ADHD-spectrum techies invented web applications that directly hotwire into the monkey-flips-a-switch-gets-a-reward level of the human brain, thus distracting a whole lot of people from important shit. More and more sites masquerading as legitimate news organizations creep into existence. With a nearly zero cost of admission, every crackpot can “expose the truth.” Meanwhile, climate change continues, wages stagnate, the U.S. maintains a multiyear war that will still be going on in 2016.
2007 — The economy collapses. Millions lose everything.
c. April 2008 — An e-mail begins circulating. It asks if Barack Obama was born in Kenya. Other, equally well-sourced documents from various subsequent times posit that he is also a robot, a lizard and a gay male prostitute. People now genuinely believe those fantasies. Many of the pajama squad of bloggers are dismissive of all this (as would be those old white men who used to run the news departments of most of the mainstream papers). The difference is that back when it cost a fortune to start a newspaper, there was a necessity to keep the business functional. In the case of journalism, that meant getting the facts right. As no one controls the filters anymore, those gay lizard robot stories about the Kenyan named Obama can now propagate freely. As do Neo-Nazi sites that provide “information” about the Holocaust. Anti-choice sites that show “proof” of fetal pain. Creationists that assure us the world is 6,000 years old. Oil companies that tell us climate change is a fantasy, and so forth. People self-select for sources of news that reinforce what they already want to believe. Why force yourself to read that Obama is a war criminal who went after more whistleblowers than Nixon when you can read mash notes about him on the sites you like?
Aug. 29, 2008 — John McCain puts forward Sarah Palin as vice presidential candidate. Palin quickly alarms a whole lot of people as something sui generis. She is, genuinely, the least-prepared candidate for high office, possibly ever. But millions of people love her because she “tells it like it is,” even though her facts are wildly suspect. McCain loses his bid for the presidency.
July 18, 2016 — Donald Trump is named the Republican nominee for the U.S. presidential election. All those ‘jama bloggers are so shocked, it’s just, really, totes shocking.
Nov. 8, 2016 — Donald Trump is elected as president, handily beating scandal-ridden also-ran Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Jan. 20, 2017 — Donald Trump sworn in as president.
And there you have it. Not even 20 years, and we got Trump. How long, seriously, does anyone think Trump would have lasted back when it was just the daily paper and four or five TV stations?
Trump can do it easily because it’s enforcing the law. This is ridiculous. We punish other lawbreakers who happen to be parents. Should no parent be imprisoned either? It’s not fair to the kids, right?
You want someone to blame for this? Blame those who broke the law: our pols, employers of illegal aliens, and the illegal aliens themselves for coming here and having the children. Doing so always had this inherent risk. They showed they have no respect for this land or its laws.
And I don’t buy for a second that liberals are concerned about children. They love abortion and divorce and casual sex. They want little girls to use the same bathroom as men. They push gay propaganda on children. In Europe they are taking children away from their “xenophobic” parents while flooding their streets with violent Muslim ingrates.
So the message here is: Trump gets elected, enforces an existing law by an existing method. Harsh criticism indeed.
I’m not a supporter of Donny, but it’s difficult to condemn him for saying that if he were in charge, rules would be enforced.
My biggest problem with him is simply that he doesn’t seem to support my ideals with the same enthusiasm. If there were a more liberal-minded politician with the same zeal and appeal, threatening to lock up financial and corporate criminals with the same tactics, or perhaps coming after the scourge of murderous police officers, I would be singing his praises and glad of his Teflon coat.
You’re missing the point by a rather large margin. Trump doesn’t care about the rule of law – he’s driven by racism. Even if it’s all an act – part of the long con – the Trump Chumps have bought into it.
The last thing we need in this world is more unreasoning hatred.
Yup CH,
That’s your opinion, sitting there right next to your asshole ~
My goodness! What a well thought out, convincing, argument. I’ll be sure to be changing my opinion right away.
People here have already tried to help you evolve, instead, you continue to display an ADD mindset. You pontificate: “Trump doesn’t care about the rule of law – he’s driven by racism. Even if it’s all an act – part of the long con – the Trump Chumps have bought into it.”
That statement functionally fits every motherfucking elected official in WDC who could ever be considered a presidential candidate.
Ultimately? T-rump does care about the rule of law, very much. Hell, it’s the rule of bankruptcy law that’s kept him out of the poor house.
> Hell, it’s the rule of bankruptcy law that’s kept him out of the poor house.
You are correct in that statement, (and it’s helped to keep him out of jail as well.)
But the subject of this thread is racism, as was the post to which I originally responded. Both you and The Donald try to disguise your racism as concern for our borders. (but neither of you are fooling anyone.)
Financial and corporate criminals can hardly be said to put America first. Don’t be too surprised if Trump is tougher on them than they’re accustomed to.
What? You think he’s going to throw himself in jail? That would indeed surprise me.
“Fair share fair share fair share.”
Still haven’t figured this ubiquitous magic Leftist term out. If these officials are correct that he “cheated” them, why didn’t they get “their” money? Guess he didn’t break the law. I have no fondness for Romney but this is the same shit the Left pulled on him. Whatever with the “fair share.” He shouldn’t pay any more than he can legally get away with. Federal government only wastes tax dollars anyway. Hell I’d love for a conscientious tax non-payer movement to start.
A tax evader is, by definition, a financial criminal. So is one who misuses campaign finances.
A scant three hours ago, you were convinced that Trump would be tougher on financial criminals than his predecessors. Now you’re defending him for being one himself.
Read through that and the ABC story and can’t find where they prove or even discuss his campaign finances. All they can do is say some officials complained that a long time ago he got one over on them. Pretty lame even for the lamestream media. Yet another half-baked faux Trump scandal.
Fair enough, we’ll take “campaign finance” off the table, but my point still stands:
“### hours ago, you were convinced that Trump would be tougher on financial criminals than his predecessors. Now you’re defending him for being one himself.”
Here are a few more examples.