Under President Trump, all Muslims would be blocked from entering the United States. Or so he says. The question is, how will border guards know who is and isn’t Muslim? As the Crusaders who slaughtered Armenian Christians learned, there’s more to a religion than clothing.
Muslim Border Test
Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and WhoWhatWhy.org and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
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How about if we bar entry to anyone who won’t swear on the bible that they’re an atheist?
Maybe there’s some kind of inspection of, like say, foreskins that will give a clue?
Great Idea!
As a cost-cutting measure, we can train them at the same facility as North Carolina’s bathroom peepee inspectors.
Rotation of foreskin inspectors between TSA and bathroom inspector sites.
I can see it now.
Long lines at bathrooms and airlines terminals with cots and diapers supplied, all for the convenience of facility customers.
Plus express pee lines for a mere $85 for frequent urinators.
As a few on gocomics (from which I’m permanently and irrevocably banned) wrote, this is what the Spanish Inquisition did. Also, any house from which no smoke arose on Saturday was proof the inhabitants were Jews, and they were given a free auto of the Dafé variety. Any pork vendors who noticed families not purchasing their wares would complain to the Inquisition, and the family would get one of those free autos.
As Cervantes wrote, the Spanish were the most liberal and enlightened Europeans. Other countries rounded up as many of their Jews as they could find and executed them, but Spain allowed them all to leave (but they couldn’t take anything except the clothes on their backs, but they were free to leave as long as they were gone by 1492, the year that Spain threw a huge party and funded an Italian who wanted to sail West to the Orient).
The only place the Jews and Muslims could go was Morocco, since no other European country would let them in. And (as Cervantes wrote) some Muslims and Jews either didn’t leave but pretended to be Christians, or they sneaked back in to try to retrieve some of the stuff they had owned.
At first, Spain said the Jews and Muslims who converted could stay, then it said they all had to leave (but some managed to hide).
HOWEVER, Trump constantly contradicts himself. His campaign consisted of saying nothing but ridiculous things, but somehow, they worked and he won the nomination. Maybe. The Republican leadership could change the rules to bar him from the nomination, and might be planning that since, by July, it would be too late for Trump to run as a third party, since filing deadlines would all have passed, so he could only run as a write-in candidate.
But no matter what the Republicans do, Hillary is STILL sure to win. With Bill working hard (Hillary is no politician, but Bill is) Hillary will get more than 80% of the African-American vote, more than 70% of the non-Cuban Hispanic vote, and more than 70% of the women’s vote. Some will vote for her because they think she’s the best candidate. Some because they figure she’s just a way for Bill to circumvent term limits, and they think that’s GREAT! And many because they hate Trump with a greater passion than any misgivings they might have about Hillary.
Spinoza was here.
I don’t like pork but I guess I can eat it for the cause. ?
You know, we’re all going to be laughing about Trump right up until that moment when we hear our front doors being battered off their hinges.
I think at this point the absolute best we can all hope for is that it is a tie and the Electoral College can pick a third candidate, neither Hillary nor Donald. I think everyone would go insane in Sanders won that way, but I am terrified of Trump winning, because it will be horrific. And I’m just as terrified of HRC winning because she will trigger (at least) two years of total gridlock.
Is Jimmy Carter interested in the position?
The mustachioed gentleman leader of pre-World War II Aryans, who ran on making his nation great again required suspect people to wear patches on their clothing.
Couldn’t they make it a BLT sandwich instead, just to show off the delights of US culinary culture ? But more seriously, if a Trump administration uses this gastronomic shibboleth to separate the sheep from the goats, how would their beloved Likudnik friends (http://nypost.com/2016/05/19/donald-trump-is-the-clear-choice-for-pro-israel-voters/) get into the country ?…
How did Carter do it? Carter did not just ban Iranians, but Shite Muslims!
«How did Carter do it? Carter did not just ban Iranians, but Shite Muslims!» Not to say that James Earl Carter’s actions were wise, but they were very definitely very different from those now proposed by Mr Trump. Are you certain your «intent» was to choose the sobriquet «unintent», rather than «uninformed» ? Or perhaps the choice was «unintent[ional]» ?…