Why Whites Won’t Give Reparations

When you create an empire on theft, genocide, graft, corruption, exploitation, abuse and all manner of abuse and degradation, is it possible to single out one group of victims for compensation without adding the other ones too? And if the answer is no, as justice demands, will there be anything left in the end? And if no, would it really matter?

The Thrilling Appeal of Incrementalism

In the Democratic primaries, the race comes down to a contest between the idealistic appeal of Bernie Sanders and the incrementalist defend-what-we-already-have technocracy of Hillary Clinton.

Patrick Henry Rodham Clinton

One of Hillary Clinton’s many challenges in her race against Bernie Sanders is that she’s running as an incrementalist technocrat against an inspiring idealist. In a year when voters are agitating for radical change, can a message of “more of the same, but slightly more so” resonate?


Hillary Clinton is repeatedly touted as inevitable because she has so much experience. But she’s only won elected office once. And when it happened, it was handed to her on a silver platter. Can she pull off her first real win in a race for president?

Campaign Coverage

Editors at media outlets explain that they cover frontrunners because they’re frontrunners. What they rarely concede is that frontrunners are frontrunners because they get coverage, and that that process begins years before the first voter has even taken a second to consider who to support in a future election years from now.

The Hopelessness of Unaudacity

Confronted with an optimistic opponent who promises substantial changes in American foreign and domestic policy in the form of Bernie Sanders, establishment candidate Hillary Clinton has been reduced to promising incremental improvements, and defending past gains. She argues her approach is more pragmatic. But will voters be satisfied with more of the same?

Before the Deluge

Many Republicans say they would never vote for Donald Trump. But when push comes to shove, will they really vote Democratic, or sit on their hands?

Hillary’s Campaign in Crisis, Again

After having been dismissed and ignored by the media, Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders is surging in the polls. He appears to have New Hampshire in the bag. He has a new lead in Iowa. And some national polls show him as a genuine threat to Hillary across the nation. What went wrong, again?

Hillary’s Plan to Elevate Women

Hillary Rodham Clinton wants you to know that if you were to elect her president of the United States, she would be president and that, as a woman, it would be good for her to become the first woman president ever.
