Donald Trump suggests that Syrian and Muslim refugees should have to register with the police in the United States. Maybe he has a point: Native Americans would still be alive if they hadn’t allowed British terrorists to slip in alongside religious refugees.
Love, American-Style
Though it was nice of Americans to offer their support to the French after ISIS’ terrorist attacks against Paris last week, surely Parisians remember that, not so recently, Americans were deriding them as “cheese-eating surrender monkeys” and renaming French fries “freedom fries” merely because they were smart enough not to join our invasion of Iraq?
Generation Hexed
Political analysts note that there aren’t any Gen X-era big-name Democrats following Baby Boomers Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. They anticipate that leadership will skip Gen X from the Boomers to their Millennial children. Meanwhile, middle-aged Gen X whites are suffering increased mortality reminiscent of the post-Soviet collapse during the 1990s. Turns out that a lifetime of neglect and contempt by those older and younger is having an effect.