Tribune Publishing, parent company of the Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times, has changed its name after 168 years to Tronc.
Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
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“the best revenge is living well” – I guess the second best is “outliving the bastards”
CHICAGO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Tribune Publishing Co. (NYSE:TPUB) today announced that the Company will change its name to tronc, Inc., a content curation and monetization company focused on creating and distributing premium, verified content across all channels. tronc, or tribune online content, captures the essence of the Company’s mission. tronc pools the Company’s leading media brands and leverages innovative technology to deliver personalized and interactive experiences to its 60 million monthly users.
This is the most excited media news since the Daleks launched SIDtoday. To meet the economic challenge raised by craigslist we are turning the tribune into craigslist 2.0. You have been tronced.
Unlike what happened to Ted, complaining that a newspaper is “turning into craigslist” is a bit unfair. Back in the day, classifieds were a major source of newspaper revenue, and the move to online selling and advertising has done as much to ruin the industry as the move to online news.
Well, yes, this is precisely the challenge that I referred to. So how to meet it?
[…] leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning to improve the user experience and better monetize our world-class content in order to deliver personalized content to our 60 million monthly users and drive value for all of our stakeholders
If you cut through the corporate crap, essentially their new vision boils down to even better profile users to funnel personalized content to them so as to be able to turn around and sell eyeballs to advertisers more effectively. If you can’t beat craigslist, become a more advanced version of it listing news products like for so many used cars.
Note they did not say that they are going to expand or even preserve quality reporting on questions of genuine public interest so as to have people seek out their content by themselves and willingly pay for it. That idea is so craigslist 1.0.
Makes sense that the GOP newspaper would name itself after the front end (phonetically speaking) of the elephant instead of its ass end.
Pure braggadocio.
Ted, are you and »tronc« planning to be around 168 years from now, so you can exercise your inalienable right to a »speedy trial by a court« ?…
Good luck !…
Fresh Newspeak for a stale Propaganda ploy. Out with the old-garbage, and in with the new.
Did it ever occur to anyone, even if BernieS were to somehow “win,” that the vote-counters actually didn’t plan it that way (much as they functionally did with our progressive savior, BarryHO)? So soon now, we will spend at least the next eight years being horribly disappointed by a fresh, new level of war-criminal overkill instigated by a (prospectively, possibly, tragically, and most likely) deep-cover, AIPAC-puppeteered, Zio-Ashkenazi president? Even as BarryHO doubled down — after his coronation — on the drone-enhanced war-crook agenda of DubyaB, to keep this global dieback paradigm rolling fullsteam, so will Bernie tipclipped take it to an ever-more destructive altitude.
Any evidence, DanD, that Mr Sanders is, as you claim, a «deep-cover, AIPAC-puppeteered, Zio-Ashkenazi» ? Of course, you’ve covered your arse by using the adjectival «deep-cover», so you can weasel out by maintaining that that any lack of evidence is simply due to the depth of that cover, but really, the man has been an activist for more than five decades and been running for public office for more than four ; at this point what isn’t known about the man is probably not worth knowing….
I’d definitely like to hear more from Mr Sanders with regard to his views on foreign policy and the role of the United States in the world, but given what we know now, the risk of his initiating a thermonuclear conflagration in a vain attempt to maintain the «indispensable nation»’s global hegemony seems distinctly less than would be the case with either of the other two candidates with a chance of going all the way….
What we do know is that Bernie is a Jew who was born at a time when the holocaust was in full swing.
Even given that background, he condemns Israeli violence and favors the two-state solution. That’s incredibly liberal compared to other Jews of his generation.
Could he do better?
Absolutely – but you’re not going to find a single presidential candidate suggesting we recognize Palestine and impose an embargo on Israel until they do likewise.
Actually, CrazyH, when I suggested it would be nice to hear more on Mr Sanders’ views on foreign policy, I wasn’t thinking primarily of the so-called «Israel-Palestine conflict», I’d agree with you that when it comes to how the US should deal with that conflict, Mr Sanders is head and shoulders above the competition, although I’m not sure I’d want to regard his position as being «incredibly liberal compared to other Jews of his generation» ; in doing so you ignore, e g, that of Avram Noam Chomsky, who, while 13 years Mr Sanders’s senior, I’d still regard as being of the same generation….
Be that as it may, I had more in mind US policy towards Russia and China, which I find extremely reckless. As noted above, I surmise that the risk of the US initiating a conflict which could lead to an all-out war would be less if Mr Sanders were at the helm. I understand why his campaign is concentrated on domestic issues, but given that all our fates rest so strongly on what the US leadership does in this regard, I’d like to hear more on his view of foreign policy, not least the use of the US military ’round the world….
Below is a link to Sanders’s statement submitted to the latest AIPAC convention. He couldn’t be bothered to attend the convention.
Of course, Herr Hair and the Generalisssima were there, groveling and pandering in person.
Doesn’t read like something a Zionist, nor any other US hopeful presidential candidate since 1948, would say.
Yes, one CAN act differently from that which one has said while campaigning but, left-ish action can ONLY come from prior left-ish talk.
Therefore, Sanders is the ONLY possible non-Zionist candidate.
Sanders is a dyed-in-the-wool Zionist who has special dispensation to criticize G_d’s special-chozen war-crooks and human-rights-abusers. It’s part of his AIPAC-tolerated, political camouflage. He talks an excellent “progressive” game right up to the point of allowing us goys talk tasteless truth about his tribe.
Yup, BS is deep cover alright, though some of the cracks in his old-school Jewish facade still display that secret-fascist-predisposed, Zio-fanaticism. And if he were ever to be elected? Well, AIPAC already owns the Senate, the House, and SCOTUS. If he gets the Oval Office, WDC will be wholly owned by Global Zionism. And he will lend himself in making the rest of the world a Zionist satrapy. To world Zionism, Greater-Israel is a global agenda.
Oh My (Christian) God, Dan! Vatican agents have just discovered that Mossad agents have found out where you live! They’re on the way to your house as we speak! There isn’t much time – you go hide in your bunker and we’ll let you know when it’s safe to come out.
DanD, which of the three candidates, Donald John Trump, Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton, or Bernard Sanders do you believe would be most likely to obey the dictates of AIPAC/Likud ? Which least likely ? What evidence can you adduce for these views ?…
Two points: 1) Bernie has no chance of winning; and
2) He is somewhat different (and better than) Secretary Clinton.
I read that he supports drone strikes, but I’m not sure. Senator Clinton voted that the US had to invade Iraq because of their New WMD, WMD that can only be seen by the most clever and most patriotic observers.; and Secretary Dlinton pushed Obama until he killed Qadhafi, and now says Libya is MUCH better off.
She has proof of this. Before, hundreds of thousands of Libyans were desperate to get out of the hell-hole of Qadhafi Libya, so they took rubber rafts to Europe to get away from the evil dictator. Now, of course, Europe has the problem of millions who are desperate to leave Europe for the now peaceful and prosperous and democratic Libya, and Europe cannot handle the mass exodus.
Well, Michael, we are mobilising in full in order to cope with the exodus, not to mention the brain drain, to Libya. Ms Clinton didn’t make life easier for us, and if she does get into the Oval Office, she’s sure to make the situation still worse by promoting Syria as another destination for our youth who wish to leave the stagnation of a Europe under the rule of Austerity….
Glad to hear that Ted has a law suit percolating – even if it’s against a company that sounds like it makes electronic items for constipation relief.