After a harmless personal quadcopter drone piloted by a drunk intelligence agent (you can’t make these things up) crashes on the White House lawn, a spooked Obama demands action on regulating UAVs. This comes after years of foot-dragging which has put the US drone industry at a disadvantage.
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Obama spent six years golfing, never lifting a finger to help those devastated by the 2008-09 economic collapse. Now that he’s an ultra-lame duck and has absolutely no way to get legislation through the Republican Congress (something he didn’t have in 2009), he’s pretending to “fight” for a higher minimum wage and better wages for American workers.
Newspapers Saved by Slaughter
Newspaper circulation has been plummeting for the last 50 years. Media executives have tried to reverse the trend by cutting their newsrooms, shrinking their page counts and giving away their content for free online. As the circulation of Charlie Hebdo shot from 60,000 to 5,000,000 after the massacre of their staff, there may be a way forward after all.