Crime and Punishment and Punishment and Punishment

The man accused of the mass shooting of nine worshipers in a Charleston, South Carolina church faces an array of charges. Considering that he faces nine death-penalty counts, is there really any point to larding on additional counts, other than making ourselves feel better about ourselves? At a certain point, redundant justice becomes ludicrous.

Bipartisan Scum

TPP Agreement

Normally at odds over everything, Congressional Republicans cooperated with President Obama. Again. Once more, it was a jobs-killing free trade ageeement, the TPP. Why is it that the only time the two parties get anything done is in order to screw us over?

Saddam vs. Clown Car

There are 28 declared and likely-to-declare Republican presidential candidates, a dozen of whom might be viable. On the Democratic side, there are 3, of whom only one, Hillary Clinton, stands a chance. Democrats ought to be ashamed of the lack of democracy in their party, which hasn’t had a contested primary since 2008, yet they’re making fun of the GOP “Clown Car” instead.

A Criminal Justice System

Many municipalities across the United States charge prison inmates for the cost of their own imprisonment, often at rates similar to those charged by hotels. When they get out, most cannot pay because they’re indigent, so they’re rearrested, and rejailed for nonpayment, and charged even more.


The A La Carte Society

Many lefties, me included, won’t vote for Hillary Clinton because she supported the Iraq War, a mistake for which sbe has never apologized, and has doubled down upon with her actions destroying Libya, now a failed state. But some self-described liberals are willing to overlook this egregious crime of morality and politics.


Months after declaring her presidential candidacy and decades after entering political life, Hillary Clinton delivered a speech in Roosevelt Island, New York in which she came out as a liberal. Given that this is a major departure from her history as a right-wing Democrat, how can progressives who have walked the walk all along deal with this leftie-come-lately

Hillary on Instagram

Hillary Clinton on Instagram

The Hillary Rodham Clinton campaign is now on Instagram, with a light joke about “Hard Choices”: a reference to a photo of her pantsuits in red, white and blue. It’s part of the effort to make a politician with blood-soaked hands look like just another ordinary American grandmother…and it just might work.


Under the law, H-1B visas are supposed to go to well-educated foreigners to fill tech jobs that American companies can’t fill here in the United States. But companies like Disney and Fossil Watch are firing Americans and replacing them with cheaper foreign workers. Why isn’t the government enforcing the law?
