Twice as Good
posted by TheDon
So there’s a new bio of Condi. I assume the title refers to how effective she would have to be before she would be considered acceptably competent. She’s gone from the NSA who didn’t give a damn about terrorism until after 9/11 to a SecOfState who has won’t talk to anyone but our allies. Heckuva a job, Condi!
So you don’t have to – 6/18
posted by TheDon
The execrable Kate O’Beirne seems to agree that meeting deadlines is important. Wow. They’ve lost Kate. Getting lonelier in the loonie bin!
This Weak
Amusingly, George Will comes out against Democracy, and declares Condi’s statement “Nobody saw it coming” the eptiaph of this administration.
18 big losses, a nazi and a who cares.
Republicans demand conviction
posted by TheDon
TGIF! Drinks are on me!
posted by TheDon
This week’s drink is a simple one; it is a light version of a Pina Colada. It has all the flavor, and is less filling – very nice on a hot summer night.
Pina Colada Light
mix unsweetened pineapple juice and coconut-flavored rum with some ice cubes. More rum means more coconut flavor. I suggest trying this over and over again until you get it just right.
Take That, Bigots!: Massachusetts Defeats Anti-Gay Constitutional Amendment
Posted by Mikhaela Reid
My home state kicks ass! From Bay Windows:
In the June 14 constitutional convention, state lawmakers defeated the proposed amendment to the constitution that would have taken away the civil right to marry from same-sex couples. The final tally on the measure was 45 in favor and 151 against. The amendment needed just 50 votes to pass. The vote came just five months after the first vote by lawmakers on the amendment in which 62 lawmakers backed it.
The Democratic presidential candidates may be too wimpy to stand for marriage equality, but Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick and House Speaker DiMasi aren’t! From the Boston Globe:
The vote came without debate after House Speaker Salvatore F. DiMasi, Senate President Therese Murray, and Governor Deval Patrick conferred this morning and concluded that they have the votes to kill the proposal.
“Today’s vote was not just a victory for marriage equality, it was a victory for equality itself,” Patrick told reporters as cheers echoed in the State House. “Whenever we affirm the equality of anyone, we affirm the equality of everyone.”
The three leaders – along with gay rights activists – spent the last several days intensely lobbying a dozen or more state representatives and state senators who had previously supported the amendment but signaled that they were open to changing their positions.
Sadly for the rest of the country, Mitt Romney–the Massachusetts governor that Deval Patrick replaced–is trying to out-gay-bash his fellow Republicans in his bid for the White House.
Legacies, or Some Day, They’re Really Going to Feel Like Fools
Posted by Mikhaela Reid
Marriage equality: yet another arena in which the Democrats are missing a spine.
40 years ago yesterday, the Supreme Court ruled in Loving vs. Virginia that anti-miscegenation laws were unconstitutional. The Loving decision invalidated the “Racial Integrity Act” that allowed Virginia cops to bust into the bedroom of Richard and Mildred Loving, arrest them for “illegal cohabitation” and sentence them to a year in jail.
Can you imagine the leading Democratic candidates getting up at a campaign stop today and hemming and hawing out the following nonsense?
I believe in full equality of benefits, nothing left out…From my perspective there is a greater likelihood of us getting to that point in interracial civil unions or domestic partnerships and that is my very considered assessment.
It’s a jump for me to get to interracial marriage. I haven’t yet got across that bridge.
or how about
I would not support the Defense of Racial Integrity Act today, if there were a vote today. But the part I agree with is the states should not be required to recognize interracial marriages from other states.
Those are all paraphrases of actual statements on gay marriage from Hillary Clinton and John Edwards. Obama has similar views. (found via Pam’s House Blend, an excellent LGBT issues blog that regularly checks in on all the candidate’s positions on marriage equality).
Some folks say the Democrats have no choice but to tone down their support of gay rights to appeal to religious voters or values voters. But is that the kind of visionary progressive leadership we want to promote?
Decades from now, the people who were too afraid to support full equality for gay Americans are going to look like spineless sheep, and rightly so. I can see the history books now “The Democrats bravely passed non-binding resolutions, courageously voted to fund an illicit war they claimed to oppose, did nothing of any note to remove an Attorney General with a serious torture fetish and tentatively supported domestic partnership benefits while opposing real marriage equality.” Now that’s a legacy we can all be proud of! As Susan Ryan-Vollmar wrote in her Bay Windows editorial last week (regarding a possible constitutional ban on gay marriage in Massachusetts):
Twenty years from now, when their time in office has long since ended, those lawmakers who back the anti-gay amendment June 14 will still be asked about their vote by their grandchildren, their neighbors and even reporters writing anniversary pieces. Trying to explain that they supported marriage equality but believed the civil marriage rights of same-sex couples should be decided by popular vote will sound even more disingenuous several decades from now than it does today.
Note: I think Ted’s turned commenting off while he’s away–if you want to comment, I’ve cross-posted this at The Boiling Point Blog.
Rush Limbaugh for Idiots
posted by TheDon
Sorry, I think I left an “is” out of the post title…
The Prius costs an average of $3.25 per mile driven over a lifetime of 100,000 miles — the expected lifespan of the Hybrid. The Hummer, on the other hand, costs a more fiscal $1.95 per mile to put on the road over an expected lifetime of 300,000 miles.
The upshot of the story is that a Toyota Prius, a hybrid, whatever, it costs three times as much for one-third the driving time than a Hummer.
posted by TheDon
The internets are abuzz with the Pentagon’s attempt in 1994 to get $7.5million to develop a “gay bomb”. The bomb would turn enemy soldiers gay, and they would be so attracted to each other that they would stop fighting and start, well, you know…
Stupid ideas based on faulty assumptions. It doesn’t even sound remotely new or newsworthy.
Shock and Awe.
Star Wars.
Missle Shields.
When they stand up, we’ll stand down.
Slam dunk.
Don’t ask, don’t tell.
If we leave early they will follow us home.
They hate us for our liberties (so let’s give up our liberties!).
Data mining.
Total Information Awareness.
Rumsfeld. (ok, that was gratuitous)
Face it – Gay Bomb Technology may be the smartest thing these guys have tried in a while, and one of the safest. And imagine the testing. “Am I starting to look cute to you? A little? You want this, don’t you? Don’t you?”
Central Asia Update
Assuming the power doesn’t go down again, this comes to you from Khorog, capital of the Gordo-Badakshan Autonomous Oblast in eastern Tajikistan. My thanks to the guest bloggers who have been and are keeping this blog a living, breathing entity during my time of hunger and sunburn (oh, yeah, and wheezing at high altitudes).
I’m up here on one Very Big Assignment that I can’t post about it, as well as three smaller ones that are nevertheless very significant. One is a feature story about Central Asia’s “Sword of Damocles,” Lake Sarez. Read more about it in “Silk Road to Ruin,” but now that I’ve been there I’m even more passionate about the need for the West to pull together the $2 billion that can save 5 million people from a horrible death.
I’ll also be checking in on the current status of the Uyghur insurgency against the Chinese government, as well as popping into Islamabad as General Pervez Musharraf’s military government teeters on the brink of oblivion. Oh, and anything else that I find that’s worth writing about as well.
Funny, when you leave the US you feel like you’re missing out all sorts of interesting news. Then you check the news online and find that, as usual, the Demcrats are pussying out. The Gonzales no-confidence vote was a lame idea, and one that became evem worse after they failed to pull it off. For God’s sake, impeach the torturing motherfucker already.
DC: Meet Ted Rall, Keith Knight, Ruben Bolling, Mikhaela Reid & other Cartoonists With Attitude July 7!
Posted by Mikhaela Reid
More info here. Ted will be moderating the slideshow/panel, and signing copies of his latest books, Silk Road to Ruin and American Gone Wild.
Also, if you happen to be in New York tomorrow, come see a free political cartoon slideshow with Cartoonists With Attitude Mikhaela Reid (that’s me!) & Masheka Wood. You won’t be sorry!:
Tue Jun 12, 7pm | NYC: Mikhaela Reid & Masheka Wood Cartoon Slideshow & Book Launch Bash @ Bluestockings, 172 Allen St., NYC.