Poems from Gitmo

posted by TheDon
Last winter, I was in Cuba visting Fidel in the hospital in Jamaica catching some rays, and I was in my hotel negotiating with a hooker chatting up a local when a drinking companion slipped me a sheaf of papers. It was all in Arabic and the man told me it was very important to sneak it back into the US.
I snuck it back home, pulled it out of my ass and studied it. It appeared to be poems written by some of our guests in Guantanamo Bay. My Arabic is a little rusty, and there were some unfortunate stains on the documents, but I did the best translation I could. I would have kept my adventure secret, but now the US is going to publish a collection of the poems from Gitmo. I have decided to publish the poems I received, so I can’t be accused of making this up later, when the same poems appear in the book.

This one must have been from one of the children we snagged

Roses are red
Violets are blue
please stop torturing me
and I will tell you anything you want to hear
no, really, please stop
please please please

This one was from an older child

A Gitmo detainee named Ali
wanted a lawyer right now, by golly
he thought he had rights
but they beat him all night
he was hoping for justice – what a folly!

At least one of the prisoners must have been Japanese

Guantanamo Bay
devoid of law and justice
screams shatter the night

I am kept awake
and have been for seven days
please let me sleep now

One was apparently a fan of my favorite poet

I know why the caged Muslim screams

The free Muslim leaps on the back of the wind
and floats downtown till the busline ends
and works all day in the orange sun rays
and dares to claim his faith.

But a Muslim that stalks down his narrow cage
can seldom see through his bars of rage
his head is immersed and his feet are tied
so he opens his throat to scream.

The caged Muslim screams with a fearfull trill
of things made up but believed true still
and his tale is heard on the distant hill
for the caged Muslim screams of terror.

The free Muslim thinks of another day
of feeding his family and getting his pay
and the wife and children waiting to play
and he names his faith his own.

But a caged Muslim stands on the grave of dreams
his shadow shouts in a nightmare scene
his head is immersed and his feet are tied
so he opens his throat to scream.

The caged Muslim screams with a fearfull trill
of things made up but believed true still
and his tale is heard on the distant hill
for the caged Muslim screams of terror.

TGIF! Summer drinks on me!
posted by TheDon
Summer’s here, ushered in by a heat wave, so here’s a light and refreshing drink.

Peach Water
pour Peach Vodka over some ice cubes in a double old-fashioned glass
pour peach flavored water in and stir lightly
vary proportions to taste and liver function

Alberto Gonzales’s Civil Rights Division Lite: Taking the “Justice” Out of Justice Department
Posted by Mikhaela Reid

Taste the new “Justice” Department’s Civil Rights Division Lite! Now with 99% less: hate crimes prosecution, voting rights enforcement and police brutality investigations! Super-Action-Packed with Loyal Bushies, Wiretapping and Religious Extremists! It’s a Yum-Tastic Justice Department makeover!

The Bush administration has laid waste to the Justice Department on a large scale, as the scandals over the replacement of high-performing federal prosecutors with “loyal Bushies” and that whole warrantless wiretapping nastiness have shown.

The Bush makeover of the Civil Rights Division is similarly extreme. The pre-Bush Justice Department Civil Rights Division was founded in 1957. The Division protected voting rights and enforced anti-discrimination laws, with a particular focus on discrimination based on race and national origin. From the Division website:

The Division enforces the Civil Rights Acts of 1957, 1960, 1964, and 1968; the Voting Rights Act of 1965, as amended through 1992; the Equal Credit Opportunity Act; the Americans with Disabilities Act; the National Voter Registration Act; the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act; the Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and Handicapped Act; and additional civil rights provisions contained in other laws and regulations. These laws prohibit discrimination in education, employment, credit, housing, public accommodations and facilities, voting, and certain federally funded and conducted programs.

Or do they? Under Bush and Gonzales, Justice has shifting funding, focus and resources to more Dubyafied priorities. As the New York Times reported this week (“Justice Dept. Reshapes Its Civil Rights Mission”):

In recent years, the Bush administration has recast the federal government’s role in civil rights by aggressively pursuing religion-oriented cases while significantly diminishing its involvement in the traditional area of race.

Read the whole article, but here are some particular horrors:


The old Civil Rights Division (Civil Rights Clasic, if you will) fought discrimination in hiring. The Civil Rights Lite Division defends the right of religious groups like the Salvation Army to discriminate (see “Charity Cites Bush Help in Fight Against Hiring Gays” and “Court OKs Religious Hiring Bias by Federally Backed Charities”).


Civil Rights Classic lent federal enforcement weight to the prosecution of hate crimes cases: KKK attacks, lynchings, and more. Civil Rights Lite has diverted that funding to a pet cause of the Christian Right. Again from the NYT, the Civil Rites Lite Division is…

Taking on far fewer hate crimes and cases in which local law enforcement officers may have violated someone’s civil rights. The resources for these traditional cases have instead been used to investigate trafficking cases, typically involving foreign women used in the sex trade, a favored issue of the religious right.

Certainly trafficking cases deserve funding–but not at the expense of victims of racism, hate crimes and police brutality. Trafficking cases used to and should be handled elsewhere.


Civil Rights Classic defended the voting rights of people of color. Civil Rites Lite suppresses the voting rights people of color through new voter ID requirements and baseless “voter fraud” case–and has even pursued its first claim of voter intimidation against white people. As John Nichols writes in The Nation (“Curing the Rot at Justice”):

The Brennan Center for Justice and the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law have uncovered evidence of what they describe as “a much broader strategy on the part of the Administration to use federal agencies charged with protecting voting rights to promote voter suppression and influence election rules so as to gain partisan advantage in battleground states.” There is now a compelling case that the White House used the Justice Department’s Civil Rights and Criminal divisions and the Election Assistance Commission to create a false perception of widespread voter fraud to justify initiatives–stringent voter identification laws, crackdowns on voter registration drives and pre-election purges of eligible voters from the rolls–designed to disenfranchise the poor, minorities, students and seniors.

The New York Times reports on this as well. Civil Rights Lite is:

Sharply reducing the complex lawsuits that challenge voting plans that might dilute the strength of black voters. The department initiated only one such case through the early part of this year, compared with eight in a comparable period in the Clinton administration.

Trouble is, only the federal government has the resources to deal with these voting dilution cases. Oh well–it’s not like black voters get disenfranchised anymore, right? Too bad, but they’ve got a new kind of case to focus on:

The civil rights division also brought the first case ever on behalf of white voters, alleging in 2005 that a black political leader in Noxubee County, Miss., was intimidating whites at the polls.


But back to the Salvation Army. If you visit the Justice Department website, you’ll read very little about racist discrimination and the ongoing disenfranchisement of voters of color. Instead, you read about this exciting “special initiative” from Alberto “Geneva Conventions Are Quaint” Gonzales, “The First Freedom Project”:

Religious liberty is often referred to as the “First Freedom” because the Framers placed it first in the Bill of Rights. Yet it is not merely first in order: it is a fundamental freedom on which so many of our other freedoms rest.

Forget freedom of speech, forget freedom of the press and freedom of assembly, and most especially freedom from unreasonable search and seizure: the first and most important freedom is the freedom of religious organizations to receive government funding for firing gay people.

Some of the other evidence of Civil Rights Lite cited by the New York Times:

Supporting groups that want to send home religious literature with schoolchildren; in one case, the government helped win the right of a group in Massachusetts to distribute candy canes as part of a religious message that the red stripes represented the blood of Christ.

Conservative religious groups who love the taste of Civil Rights Lite say that the weight of the federal government is no longer needed to combat racism and discrimination–silly stuff like that can be left up to local authorities. Of course, local authorities often lack the resources, will or perspective to fight racism. Historically, local authorities in the South often deliberately turned their backs on racist attacks and civil rights violations, and I’m not so sure those days are totally behind us. And that whole federal ignoring of civil rights and the issues of black people worked out great during Katrina, didn’t it?


Oh, and then there’s the hiring thing. We all remember sweet little Monica “I crossed the line” Goodling, trying so hard to make everything harmonious at Justice by hiring only “loyal Bushies”. The NYT analyzed department statistics and found that Civil Rights Classic hired lawyers with impressive backgrounds and qualifications. Civil Rights Lite hires lawyers from religious law schools (like Pat Robertson’s academically questionable Regent Law) who play up their conservative and religious credentials as much as possible.

Finally, while we’re on the topic of Civil Rights, I figured I’d close with Bush channeling his role model Martin Luther King, Jr.:

Cross-posted at Boiling Point Blog.

P.S. Have you bought Attack of the 50-Foot Mikhaela! Cartoons by Mikhaela B. Reid (with foreword by Ted Rall) yet? Why not?

Another war crime
posted by TheDon
Corrected – note at bottom
First (as usual in the ongoing effort to win hearts and minds), the US military denies killing civilians in a bombing in Afghanistan, then admits to the slaughter of civilians, which has been an ongoing feature of the war on Afghanistan. First the ongoing feature:

An official close to the Uruzgan governor, who asked not to be identified because he was talking about preliminary estimates, said 70 to 75 civilians had been killed or wounded, while more than 100 Taliban and more than 35 police had been killed.
Coalition troops had “surveillance on the compound all day and saw no indications there were children inside the building,” said Maj. Chris Belcher, a coalition spokesman. He accused the militants of not letting the children leave the compound that was targeted. “If we knew that there were children inside the building, there was no way that that air strike would have occurred,” said Sgt. 1st Class Dean Welch, another coalition spokesman.
According to Keith Olbermann last night, they now admit that they knew there were children there (and other civilians for a total of at least 30), but the terrorist they were after was such a high value target that it was worth killing them.
The reason they always deny killing civilians is that it is illegal to intentionally target them. The calculation has to be that the target is worth killing your own soldiers to capture/kill, not that he is worth killing children over. This is a war crime. Another war crime
The battle for hearts and minds has been well documented. Bombing weddings and soccer games doesn’t even warrant a headline anymore. “Shake and Bake” chemical warfare attacks never got any attention. At least not here. Torture. Kidnapping. Murder. Rape. The war crimes tribunal for the GWOT, in a just society at least, would last about 10 years at this point.
Just remember every time you read a headline bragging about how many “insurgents” or “Taliban” we kill – every time – they are leaving out civilian deaths that we just don’t give a shit about. And the first report is a lie. But you knew that.
Correction – the original post used a notation that I commonly use in email to indicate a “snipped” portion of the news story. Unfortunately, Blogger’s engine thought it was a meaningless html tag and eliminated it, giving the impression that the second part of the story was a continuation of the first. I was trying to give two types of information and failed. The first part of the story is about the ongoing slaughter of civilians, the second about the criminal murder of schoolchildren.
I regret the mistake, and have put in a vertical elipse, along with some clarifying verbiage.
Correction II – A kind reader pointed out the mistake above (I believe the word fool was used), and I *now* know that editing a post to correct it removes the comments. That was not my intent at all – lesson learned, apology extended. (hey! The comments are back. Must be a timing thing.)
The point of the reader was that the cowardly terrorists hid in a school, forcing us to kill the children. My point remains that when you want to kill someone who is hiding in a civilian population, you are required by law and by morals to risk as much of your own soldiers’ life as it takes to protect innocent human life. You can NOT drop bombs on civilian populations and then whine about the nasty tactics used by the guys in the black hats. If you aren’t willing to lose some of your soldiers to get a “high value” target, but you are willing to kill some of the brown children, you are a criminal and a coward.

posted by TheDon
I have not been pro-impeachment for the very practical reason that impeachment would be a long political process, and it appeared that no matter what happened, it would be impossible to get the 2/3 guilty vote necessary for conviction. There are a lot of problems to solve, and I wouldn’t want the efforts derailed by an impeachment process. Additionally, the Goops debased the notion of impeachment so thoroughly that it would be hard to get the public backing necessary.

I did support the approach of investigating, building a case, following the evidence, and prosecuting anyone worthy of prosecution. I trust the people doing the investigations, too. Jerry Nadler. Carl Levin. Patrick Leahy. John Conyers. Brilliant minds, pursuing truth, justice and the American way. Except Joe Lieberman. ugh.

Now, just 5 months into the new Congress, the evidence of lawlessness in this administration is overwhelming. Setting aside anything to do with Iraq (which is more worthy of war crimes tribunals than impeachment), I think the vows to preserve, defend and protect the Constitution require action.

Although I have been saying for the last several months that the USA scandal is the one which will bring down this administration, we can now add the RNC mail accounts and signing statements to provable law breaking. The use of the RNC accounts was bad. Deleting the emails was illegal. Not stopping the use of the system and demanding the preservation of the emails is impeachable.

Attaching signing statements, we were told, was not illegal, we had to wait until they were used to break the law. Well now they have been. A cursory study found intentional violation of the law based on the signing statements. Even beyond impeachment, I think this administration is eligible for prosecution under the RICO Act. Mike Malloy nailed it, calling this administration the Bush Crime Family. The current crop at the DOJ makes John Ashcroft look honorable. JOHN ASHCROFT!!!

The evidence keeps rolling in, faster than I imagined it would. There is no doubt that systematic lawbreaking was encouraged and covered up by this administration, on so many fronts. It is provable, undeniable, and more people are willing to testify every day. The dominoes are falling faster and faster, the rats are leaving the ship. You have all the evidence you need, Congress. What are you going to do?

Listen to your inner Dan Savage. ITMFA.

DC Rall-tastic Event #2: 7/7/07 Cartoonists With Attitude Slideshow w/ Rall, Reid, Knight, Bolling, Bors, McMillan and more!
Posted by Mikhaela Reid

The Cartoonists With Attitude gang storms the capital on July 7 with an edgy satirical cartoon slideshow and book signing!

  • When: Saturday, July 7, 2 p.m.
  • Where: Borders 18th & L Streets NW Washington, DC 20006 ( 202.466.4999)
  • Price: Free!

Celebrate Independence Day weekend with a slideshow and signing with edgy, groundbreaking and controversial alternative cartoonists from around the country! Be there or the torturers, bombers, ex-gays and wire-tappers win! Meet:

And in case you weren’t aware, you should really read our group blog (also available as an RSS feed if you want to get all our blogs and most of our cartoons in one convenient place. We also have a not-so-frequently updated Cartoonists With Attitude MySpace page if you want to be our friend.

DC Rall-tastic event #1 is, of course, Cartoonapalooza.

DC Rall-tastic Event #1: 7/3 Cartoonapalooza Cocktails w/ Rall, Toles, Knight, Bolling, Fiore and more!
Posted by Mikhaela Reid

Cartoons & Cocktails and the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists Present:

Cartoonapalooza: Fireworks in Pen and Ink!

Meet prize-winning political cartoonists from across the country as they discuss their most controversial cartoons.

Why did Tom Toles of The Washington Post get dressed down by the Joint Chief of Staff? How did Ted Rall invoke the wrath of a legion of 9/11 widows? Why did a Mercedes-Benz dealership in Atlanta take out a half-page ad to apologize for a Mike Luckovich cartoon? Meet ten of the nation’s best political cartoonists as they discuss their most controversial cartoons. Cartoonapalooza, the kick-off event for the 50th anniversary convention of the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists (AAEC), is a rare opportunity for the public to meet prize-winning political cartoonists from across the country as they discuss their most controversial cartoons. Join Tom Toles, Ted Rall, Mike Peters, Mike Luckovich, Rob Rogers and five other brilliant, ground-breaking editorial artists as they talk politics, the election, Bush and beyond. The public is invited to a cocktail reception before the panel discussion to meet the artists.

The proceeds from this event will go to support Newspapers In Education’s “Cartoons for the Classroom” program, a non-profit program that provides editorial cartoon-related lesson plans for teachers. Cartoonapalooza is the must-attend event of the year for all political buffs and cartoon afficionados!

Door prizes at the reception will include signed original cartoons and books.

Featured Cartoonists:

  • Ted Rall, Universal Press Syndicate
  • Tom Toles, Washington Post
  • Mike Luckovich, Atlanta Journal Constitution
  • Mike Peters, Dayton Daily News
  • Rob Rogers, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
  • Jack Ohman, The Oregonian
  • Ruben Bolling, Tom the Dancing Bug
  • Ann Telnaes, Cartoonists and Writers Syndicate
  • Keith Knight, The K-Chronicles
  • Mark Fiore, Animated Political Cartoonist

DC Rall-tastic event #2 is, of course, the free Cartoonists With Attitude Slideshow at Borders at 2 p.m. on 7/7/2007. More on that in another post.

We’re so sorry… that you don’t understand why we had to kill your kids!
Posted by Mikhaela Reid

A few weeks ago, I did a cartoon about the U.S. trying to spin civilian casualties in Afghanistan.

Once again, the U.S. is upset about civilian casualties in Afghanistan. And once again, they’re not upset that the U.S. military killed seven children in a “targeted” airstrike, but that those unreasonable Afghan civilians just don’t understand it’s not REALLY the U.S.’s fault–there was nothing they could do! From the NY Times this morning (“7 Children Killed in Airstrike in Afghanistan”):

Seven children were killed during an airstrike by the United States-led coalition against a religious compound thought to be a Qaeda sanctuary in remote eastern Afghanistan, the coalition said Monday.

The death of the children on Sunday may well add to the crescendoing anger many Afghans feel about civilian casualties from American and NATO military operations. More than 130 civilians have been killed in airstrikes and shootings in the past six months, according to Afghan authorities.

The article goes on to say that the toll may rise to about 180 once the death toll from another airstrike are confirmed. But as for these murdered children, the U.S. had stock apologies and little sympathy:

The air raid against the religious compound was a targeted strike rather than a pitched battle. “We are truly sorry for the innocent lives lost in this attack,” said Maj. Chris Belcher of the United States Army about Sunday’s raid against several structures, including a school and mosque, in Paktika Province, near the border with Pakistan.


The American ambassador, William B. Wood, said the coalition went to extraordinary lengths to avoid civilian casualties. “Unfortunately, when the Taliban are using civilians in this tactical way, instances of civilian casualties, just like instances of casualties from friendly fire, cannot be completely avoided,” he said.

Consider those hearts and minds WON.

More Dawgs!
posted by TheDon
Over the last two weeks, my rescue group has placed 15 more dogs in their forever homes, and had a tent at a local festival to raise awareness. This is Nellie, who was hit by a car and badly injured. Her two pups were delivered by C-Section and we have been giving her the medical care she needs. So far it’s approaching $2000, but we are doing very well raising money for her. She is a very, very sweet girl, and almost fully recovered.