Grate Debate

The Republican frontrunner for president could go to prison during the 2024 campaign. If the G.O.P.-led House Oversight Committee is right that Joe Biden took millions in bribes, so could the Democratic frontrunner. The debates could get…interesting.

You Can’t Become Popular Because You’re Not Popular Yet

In presidential politics, candidates with low poll numbers don’t receive media coverage or an invitation to debates because of their supposedly low odds. But it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy: you can’t possibly break out and get discovered by the voters because no one knows you exist. Just another reason you keep seeing the same old faces year after year.

True Debate Fun

At the second presidential debate on Long Island, 20-year-old college student Jeremy Epstein asked President Obama and Governor Mitt Romney what either of them could say to his worries that he wouldn’t be able to find gainful employment after graduation. Neither of them had anything to say–but that didn’t stop them.

Alternate Universe Republicans

In a startling reversal of conservative orthodoxy, which is militantly capitalist, Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry–both right-wing conservatives–attack Mitt Romney for his past as a gangster capitalist.
