The Final Countdown – 6/28/24 – Biden’s Debate Performance Raises Questions About Candidacy

On this edition of The Final Countdown, hosts Ted Rall and Angie Wong discuss various topics, including the presidential debate between Biden and Trump. 
Scott Stantis and Robert Hornack join a panel to discuss the long-awaited U.S. presidential debates between Biden and Trump. The panel also discuss how Biden’s performance might impact his candidacy. 
Later, attorney and CEO of Gill Media Steve Gill joins the show to weigh in on the latest SCOTUS decisions, including the ruling to limit charges against a January 6 rioter. 

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  • alex_the_tired
    June 29, 2024 4:56 PM

    I don’t know that it “raises questions” so much as “confirms suspicions.”

    How anyone can trust the leadership of the democratic party at this point is simply beyond me. Wikileaks showed us that Hillary Clinton bought the nomination back in 2016. And the democrat rank-and-file pitched a fit about how that wasn’t “fair” or “true.” Now we’re being shown that Joe Biden is, clearly, suffering from a mental acuity impairment. He isn’t “too old.” He’s “too confused.” There’s a big difference between doing something like saying, “Where are my house keys?” while you’re holding them in your hands — that happens to all of us on occasion — and staring at the house keys in your hand and saying, “What are these for?”

    Watch Biden’s schedule from this point forward. I strongly suspect that his six-hour window of functionality will slowly be shifted to be from about 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. and that the next debate will begin earlier, probably at 7 p.m. or 8 p.m. at the absolute latest.

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