Non-voters are the biggest (potential) voting bloc in American politics. In midterm, state and local elections, more eligible voters choose not to exercise their franchise than to do so.
Pundits and political sociologists ignore non-voters. Nobody polls them. Nobody asks them why they don’t vote. Nobody asks them what issues they care about. Nobody asks them what it would take to get them to vote, or who they would vote for if they did. Whether this lack of interest in non-voters is due to a lack of imagination or contempt based on the belief that they are lazy and apathetic, the result is that we don’t know much about the political leanings and motivations (or lack thereof) of the majority of our fellow citizens. There are tens of millions of them. They are an untapped resource and, until recently, there has been little attempt to reach out to them.
Democratic Party strategists largely assume that there is little point dedicating precious campaign resources to an attempt to lure non-voters to the polls. From Bill Clinton in 1992 to Kamala Harris in 2024, the party has been primarily focused on trying to appeal to swing voters and moderate Republicans, even though there don’t seem to be very many of them.
Donald Trump’s first win disproved the hypothesis that you can’t get the third or more of eligible citizens who normally sit out presidential elections to come to the polls. 15% of the people who cast a ballot in November 2016 were first-time voters, up from 9% in 2012. True, Donald Trump’s coalition included people who vote Republican no matter what as well as traditional conservatives. But the key to his takeover of the GOP was his ability to motivate people who previously weren’t even registered to vote.
The 2016 election also highlighted the political impact of non-voting. Non-voters skewed Democratic, accounting for 55% as opposed to 41% for Republicans. Hillary Clinton lost because she wasn’t able to motivate enough of her own party’s supporters.
The cliché of the non-voter is that they are politically disengaged. If that is true, it falls short of painting the full picture. 3.5% of those who voted for Bernie Sanders in the 2016 primaries sat out the general election; they were more than enough to cost Clinton the race. But primary voters are far more engaged than general election voters. They didn’t forget to vote for Hillary. They made an active choice to be passive because they disliked both major-party candidates.
Non-voters were even more powerful this year. An astonishing 19 million Americans who voted for Joe Biden in 2020 considered the choice between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump and picked the couch.
She lost by 2.3 million votes.
These 19 million people were registered to vote. We know that they know how to vote; they did it four years ago in the middle of a pandemic. And we know that they voted Democratic! More states have early voting and mail-in ballots, so it was easier to vote in 2024. Logically, a more appealing Democrat than Kamala Harris might have received their support.
A full picture of American public opinion would include numerous thorough studies and surveys of people who sometimes vote and sit out elections at other times (this year’s Trump campaign reached out to these “irregular” and “low propensity” voters), those who never vote but are registered to vote, and those who are not registered. But the biggest factor here is obviously the defining characteristic of U.S. electoral politics: the two-party system. Democracies with two-party systems tend to have lower voter turnout than parliamentary democracies where multiple parties representing a wide range of ideological orientations are viable and active participants. The increasing percentage of Americans who self-identify as “independent” means that it is constantly less likely that a voter will agree with one of the two candidates of two polarized parties.
In a two-party system like ours, a voter who doesn’t much care for either candidate has three choices. They can suck it up and choose “the lesser evil,” vote for a third-party candidate who almost certainly doesn’t stand a chance, or sit out the election.
A significant subset of the first category is the negative message voter, who casts a ballot for the challenger in order to indicate their displeasure with the incumbent. With only two parties to choose from, these voters flail back-and-forth. Since a vote is a vote and doesn’t come with a footnote attached to it, neither the parties nor the news media ever receives the message. As more voters realize the futility of rage and spite voting, there is a general trend toward not voting at all.
Because they are oblivious to the left-leaning voters they are failing to motivate, Democrats have more to worry about in the short term. In the long run, however, the realization that non-voters are making an active choice not to bother with the political system is a major warning that the whole system may not be viable for much longer.
(Ted Rall (Twitter: @tedrall), the political cartoonist, columnist and graphic novelist, co-hosts the left-vs-right DMZ America podcast with fellow cartoonist Scott Stantis and The TMI Show with political analyst Manila Chan. His latest book, brand-new right now, is the graphic novel 2024: Revisited.)
7 Comments. Leave new
You can rant about the non-voters issue as much as you can… to no effect.
Maybe you’ll stop once you realise that if voting had ever proved to be effective in changing the System (pick your favorite), it will have been outlawed a long time ago.
It’s not that what you’re saying doesn’t make sense, but it’s like commenting on the kind of wood you’re stepping on while walking the plank.
You’re no different from your foes: Being challenged thinking out of the box, you keep on doing what you always did, again and again, like a fish endlessly pooping in its bowl (but not forever 🙂 ).
Bah, don’t worry, be merry: You’re indeed like today’s best and brightest, except that -unlike Vietnam- it will be your society last challenge. And you won’t get another chance at blogging about it after the shit had hit the fan.
“You’re no different from your foes: Being challenged thinking out of the box, you keep on doing what you always did, again and again, like a fish endlessly pooping in its bowl (but not forever 🙂 ).”
Cripes, you are the Statler (or Waldorf) of This editorial was written to point out how the two-party system is failing and that we need a multiparty democracy pronto, an element you failed to miss.
‘Curmudgeon’ to you, mister.
“we need a multiparty democracy”
You mean, like your Israeli masters? You should have asked Santa for one, complete with a users’ manual. Or you could have read Tocqueville…
Sorry to have ‘missed to fail’ your point! ROTFL
I think the crucial point here is that voting, much like unemployment, is rarely reported on: 1. consistently, 2. critically, and 3. in a way that moves the needle to “better.”
Unemployment? I’m not interested in “230,000 jobs added in May! Until that number is downgraded in August to correct for ‘imperfections’ in the model.” NO! Don’t report until you get the actual “correct” numbers. What’s that? Of the 180,000 “jobs” in May, 160,000 of them are service industry? PUT IT IN CONTEXT! A 53-year-old man who used to make $90K and has a mortgage and two kids in college and who just “landed” a job at McDonald’s for $22K and no bennies, is not “no longer unemployed.” Not if you look at the end purpose — the TELOS — of what employment is about. He’s just being pulled into the wood chipper at a slower rate.
In the same way, I have NEVER seen the “discussion” about the non-voter asking the crucial questions or pushing solutions. “Why did so many voters NOT vote for Kamala Harris?” Because she was a dud. She said nothing, stood for nothing, spoke in simplistic platitudes, and — this is the big one — was owned body and soul by the mechanism of the dnc. She didn’t give a crap about the issues. She didn’t care about people getting health care. She just wanted to be the first girl preznit. And, you know what? If she had the chops, that would be fine. But everyone the dnc rolls out into the spotlight is useless.
Why did Trump win? Find a child who doesn’t speak your language. Take out a book. Start to read it. The kid doesn’t understand a single word, but the kid calms down almost instantly and listens intently, even though it understands not one single word. Trump spoke gibberish. But he was the only one who said anything that actually made the voter feel like they were the center of attention.
I beg to differ. The crucial point I wanted to make is that, contrary to the Hollywood
gospelpropaganda you were fed from birth, you yanks not only failed miserably at creating a true democracy, but don’t even today realise that you’ll never ever -in human terms- get another chance at building any king of fairer society.Except in VR or on an internet blog, of course. Go
westleft, young man. What a laugh! 🙄😒My only solace is that you’ll soon -and by your own hands- get yourselves a taste of the kind of the ‘democracy’ you imposed on so many countries like Vietnam, Chile, Panama, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Granada, Haiti, Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc…
Unfortunately, but as usual, at the expense of the rest of the -alleged free- world.
A friend of mine worked at a polling place for this last election. She said a number of middle aged people came in to register to vote who said they had never voted in their lives. She registered them. She said they were in and out of the voting booth very quickly. It was a long ballot. We think for Trump.
“…candidates of two polarized parties.” I submit that there is one “polarized” party. The Dems are yelled at for wanting to keep things that have been here for years. This goes back to the New Deal. The leadership in the DNC wants to keep the big donors happy that pay their salaries. They want status quo. Win or loose they keep their well paid jobs. Not like NFL coaches. There is no such thing as “leftists” or “left extremists.” Polls indicate that majorities of Americans like things like Social Security, school food, affordable health care, and cheaper drugs. The big con lies about it all. As James Carville is saying, have to connect with the average people that are struggling.