President Joe Biden says he’s willing to go to war militarily against China in order to defend Taiwan if China invades. But that’s hard to square with the fact that the United States doesn’t recognize Taiwan as a sovereign country in the first place.
All-Purpose Post-Mass Shooting Cartoon
Very few news events are quite as scripted as the aftermath of a mass shooting. Politicians on both sides of the aisle send thoughts and prayers. Democrats call for gun control. Republicans say something should be done about mental illness. The media speaks in hushed tones. Piles of stuffed animals and flowers appear at the massacre site. It’s always the same.
Nothing like a Strong Message for the Midterms
Voters will be going to the polls for the midterm elections six months from now. Democratic politicians know that they face an uphill climb and are likely to lose both the House of Representatives and the Senate. Yet the party hasn’t managed to coalesce behind a clear message beyond not being Republicans.
E Pluribus Nada
If a two-party democratic system is to be viable, it has to have a basic shared set of facts, values and issues about which people may differ, and should differ, about solutions. At this point in time, however, the United States doesn’t qualify because the American people are obsessed about totally different things depending on their political orientation.
Wars Make Bad Badfellows
Many Americans are skeptical about military support for Ukraine given that country’s dismal human rights record and autocratic political system. One might also wonder why any other country would want to get into a relationship with the United States.