Just Ask President Hillary

All the “very serious people” are saying that there’s no way Donald Trump can be elected president next year, despite polls, showing that he is in a commanding lead for the GOP nomination, and also ahead of President Biden. Where have we seen this before?

The News They Don’t Want You To Hear

Media silos have come down to this: each party’s cable TV news network ignores stories that are inconvenient to their party, while amplifying those that are damaging to the opposition.

Operation Point and Click

Since they are short-staffed at the US border with Mexico, Biden is sending 1500 armed soldiers to help out. Among other tasks, they will do data entry.

Another Epic Battle of Big Ideas

After many epic controversies in American presidential politics, this is what we have finally come down to: as much as we dislike the party that we are voting for, we despise the party that we are voting against even more.


District of Columbia and two states, drivers over the age of 75 have to take a new road test to show that they are still competent to drive. Meanwhile, President Joe Biden, resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., claims that he will be perfectly OK to run the United States military until he is age 86, no test required.

Is the College Try Worth Anything?

The “college premium”—the extra money you get from having a college degree compared to someone without one—has been eclipsed, more than eclipsed, by staggeringly high tuitions and resulting student loan burdens. There are still good reasons to go to college, but making more money probably isn’t one of them.

But Where Does Electricity Come from?

Without much reflection, the Biden Administration and the media are rushing headlong into a world that they hope will be filled with electric cars. But the environmental implications of electric cars are much more serious than they are considering.
