Texas Senator Ted Cruz, running a distant second behind Donald Trump for the Republican Presidential nomination, has launched a Hail Mary pass in the form of announcing his pick for vice president, Carly Fiorina, despite the fact that he’s unlikely to win and the convention is still months away.
First Hillary Clinton told a newspaper that Bernie Sanders wasn’t qualified to be president. When he shot back that her judgement made her unqualified, she pretended he’d attacked her out of nowhere. Such are the dynamics of a media narrative: it’s impossible to tell the true truth, only their truth.
Bern the Feel
There were widespread reports of irregularities by the Hillary Clinton campaign in the Nevada and Arizona primaries. In New York State, however, it appears that the Board of Elections illegally purged at least 150,000 voters in the Bernie Sanders stronghold of Brooklyn at the Clinton campaign’s behest…and more in other cities throughout the state.
No Country for Old Airline Passengers
The U.S. Senate voted down an amendment that almost every American could have approved of heartily, a Chuck Schumer-sponsored measure that would have allowed the FAA to tell airlines to stop packing passengers into planes like sardines. At a time like this can anyone doubt that this isn’t a democracy?