Donald Trump called for a lot of outrageous things throughout his presidential campaign. He wanted Muslims to be banned from entering the knighted states. He wanted to build a border wall and deport 11 million illegal aliens. He called for beating up protesters at his own rallies. Oddly, none of this made him less popular. To the contrary. What did him in, or at least looks like it might, is an open microphone moment in which he talked about grabbing women’s pussies.
Grabbing Fascism by the Pussy

Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
20 Comments. Leave new
The “pussy” grabbed by the reactionary American duopoly is short form for the pusillanimous American surrender monkeys whose lesser-evil voting is a race to the bottom.
Don’t be a pussy (pusillanimous).
Vote Stein.
Whole bunch of women have come forward saying that he groped them. Can you imagine the furor should Hair Furor grab Angela Merkel’s pussy?
George W. Bush gave Angela Merkel an unwanted back rub and she looked ready to throw elbows at him.
Of course, Obama violated Merkel’s privacy by stealing her emails, instead of a mere privileged peek at her boobs.
Powerful people rarely see their personal violations as crimes, but as the perks and privileges of ownership.
Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
France is on its seventh republic, but they are a nation, whereas there is no American nation that would persist in the absence of the secret and violent Unitary State of American under the sovereign authority of the Unitary Executive.
Speaking of France, at one point they did have an effective method of dealing with rich assholes (and curing their headaches.)
Robespierre. aight.
Grab Merkel’s crotch and you might find surprise unexpected! 😀
Keep in mind the other similarity between Hitler and Trump. They both gave the people what they wanted: a concrete scapegoat to attack. Crops fail? Blame a witch, not rising CO2 levels leading to drought. Why? Burning a witch (despite ADDING to the CO2 load) is the quicker, easier fix. For an earlier example of this, see what happened during the Oil Crisis (sic) when Carter told people, “You’re cold? Put on a sweater!”
I was a little kid when Carter said this. Even as a little kid I could see the mismatch between the supposed values of American can-do thrift and heartiness and the spoiled whining of adults. How dare he tell us not to waste!
Carter was the last Good Man we had for president. I think that was why he was so ineffectual.
He is so honest that it didn’t occur to him that the oil barons were lying. He actually believed he and Reagan were playing good cop / bad cop with the Ayatollah. (Where in reality Saint Raygun and Khomeini were gaming him.)
«Carter was the last Good Man we had for president.» My impression of James Earl Carter, CrazyH, is that he is, indeed, a decent man. Alas, he had the wool pulled over his eyes (and I’m not referring to pulling on a sweater) by someone who definitely is not, one Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzeziński, who convinced him to launch a covert war against the then government of Afghanistan on 3 July 1979, nota bene : more than 5 ½ months before the Soviet Union, at the request of the Afghan government, sent troops to the country to fight the insurgency….
Now the US is supporting an insurgency in Syria which threatens to destroy that country just as Afghanistan was destroyed. Karma’s a bitch (if the term may be permitted in these enlightened times)….
“One of his greatest achievements, he felt, was that the United States did not fight against any countries during his presidency. Aside from the eight people who were killed during a hostage rescue mission during the Iranian Revolution, no American or any other national was killed under the banner of an American war.
“Considering that millions of people lost their lives in the wars before and after Carter’s presidency – the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Arab-Israeli conflict, the Iraq War and the War in Afghanistan – the fact that the Carter administration did not wage war on any country makes it unique in American history.”
I call this DUOPOLY GASLIGHTING. America is host to a one-party political tyranny masquerading as a two-party system of “lesser-evil” representation. T-rump won’t “win.” He was never meant to win. He doesn’t want to win. The vote-counters will not let him win, even if he gets the most votes. His sole purpose in this particular fake competition is simply to make Billary seem like the lesser evil. That’s all.
And all you EVM slottie-selectors? You’re “winning” even less than Charlie Sheen. America hasn’t been a democracy since at least Carter’s one-term stand.
Exactly. The Clinton supporters’ fretting is both hilarious and disenheartening. What are you worried about? The fix is in.
Hillary had this in the bag since she let Obama win. The fix was in eight years ago. 🙁
The Dilbert blog predicted that Trump would win the election more than a year ago. He no longer thinks so, because of the tape released last week. On Sunday before the first debate, Trump and Secretary Clinton were tied, but after that debate, Trump fell for a fortnight, and was well behind before that tape was released. He’s down more since the tape and the second debate. In any case, of the swing states, most now lean toward Secretary Clinton, and Trump only has the solid Republican states. He’s lost the women in the Rust Belt that he had before the first debate. A plurality of 48% of likely male voters will vote for Trump, but 61% of likely female voters will vote for Secretary Clinton. Six states leaning toward Secretary Clinton could be captured by Trump, and he’d still lose. Adams says that, an accurate prediction that a candidate will surely win could always be made wrong by a meteor hitting that candidate, who otherwise would surely have won. And the tape where Trump allowed himself to be taped saying he likes to grab women’s kitty cats was just that kind of meteor, and he now knows Trump doesn’t have a chance.
And so we’re sure to get President Clinton. Unlike the Germans who had reasonable alternatives to choose from had someone come up with a tape like the one that put the last nail in the Trump presidency coffin.
Reading comments to an article about Syria led me to, a very good website. Vanessa Beeley, like Mr Rall, went to the Syrian war zone to see for herself, and she saw that the war in Syria is nothing like the version depicted in the US/UK/EU MSM.
An excellent post. I agree with everything you posted. But there’s still this little niggling bit of my mind that keeps saying “We’ve got three weeks to go. There’s room for one more fiasco to see-saw it back to Trump (or the non-HRC candidate) having a shot at winning.”
I don’t know if Hillary will collapse on stage from “dehydration.” I don’t know if a tape of her doing something genuinely outrageously obscene will be unearthed somehow. I just can’t believe that Trump will fade, fade, fade and the last three weeks of this endurance torture test that the 2016 Election Cycle was will simply sit in a corner and quietly tick down.
I know! RBG will die. The Supreme Court will drop to 4-3, conservative, then there will be an election vote count problem similar to Bush-Gore and the Supremes will have to pick the president.
More seriously, though, I can’t help but think there are going to be “voting irregularity” challenges all over the place this time and we may have to wait weeks to find out who “won.”
> we may have to wait weeks to find out who “won.”
OTOH, we already know who will lose. That would be us.
One reason I don’t think Trump really wants to win is that he keeps repeating the Marcia Clark style prosecution of Secretary Clinton that is mainstream GOP. There was no way to save the Ambassador once the Consulate at Benghazi was attacked, which has been proven ad infinitum, but the Ambassador was in Benghazi on an illegal mission at the behest of Secretary Clinton, and no one brings this up.
Or the juiciest Wikileaks e-mail:
Finally, he told all his supporters to be sure and turn out on 28 November.
Ted, aside from the fact that Herr Hitler doesn’t seem to have been much of a pussy grabber, remarks of that type would hardly have been published by the established media of his day. Indeed, we needn’t go back to the 20s and 30s of the last century ; as Caitlin Flanagan points out in an article published in yesterday’s Washington Post, the same type of accusation levied against Mr Trump today were met with disdain as recently as when they were levied against Mr Clinton only a few decades ago. As a newly crowned Nobel laureate in literature (wonder if he will come here to Stockholm in December ?) pointed out, «[t]he times they are a-changing»….