Pulitzer Material

After an anonymous leaker mailed Donald Trump’s 1995 tax return to the New York Times, the paper’s editors congratulated themselves and their reporter on the scoop of the century. It’s been so long since they did real investigative reporting that they’ve forgotten what it is.

Truth in Political Aesthetics

If nothing else, Donald Trump provides a sort of truth in advertising: he’s rude, obnoxious, loud, abrasive. This is reflective of his policies. On the other hand, his vice president running mate Mike Pence deploys a calm Midwestern demeanor to mask his disgusting homophobic and sexist politics. Americans need a law that will force politicians to label themselves in accordance with the content of their beliefs.

Trump Loves Mexicans So Much He’s Willing To Trap Them Here

Donald Trump’s call for a wall between the United States and Mexico ignores an inconvenient fact: since 2005, more Mexican nationals have returned to Mexico in search of work than have come to the United States because of the fact that it’s easier to find work there. Maybe this provides a defense for Trump.

How Do You Take Your Evil?

Say what you want about Donald Trump, but at least he provides a sort of truth in advertising: he has an obnoxious style that reflects his obnoxious policies. What makes someone like Hillary Clinton (or Barack Obama) particularly insidious is that they come packaged in a respectable format, yet espouse despicable policies.

Making Presidential History

This year, Americans have another chance to make presidential history. We can elect someone who represents a group of Americans who have been consistently marginalized!

The Thrilla at Hofstra

Pundits and ordinary voters have universally bemoaned the coarsening of our elections, particularly due to Donald Trump’s outrageous behavior throughout the campaign. But the first debate between Trump and Clinton drew record numbers of viewers. Why? Because Trump is so exciting.

Bend Over

Democrats are telling voters that Donald Trump is an existential threat to the republic and must be defeated at any cost. So why isn’t she willing to court the voters who could help her defeat him?

At Home With the Whites

Another police shooting of a civilian with shifting narratives, another popular uprising, this time in Charlotte, North Carolina. Once again, white Americans are tsk-tsking that African-American rioters are making themselves look bad. The thing is, peaceful protests don’t attract national attention.

Get Inspired

After more than a year of campaigning on her experience, competence, and measured realism, Hillary Clinton realizes that she may lose the election due to the lack of enthusiasm among her supporters. So now she’s on an inspiration-mongering tour.


Hillary Clinton won’t show her speeches. Donald Trump won’t release his taxes. Neither of them come forward about their health. What’s next in the secrecy obsessed world of American presidential candidates?
