Under Trump’s mass deportation plan, legal residents suspected of the tiniest offenses could be thrown out of the United States.
First Trump Came For Just About Everyone, But I Said Nothing
Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and WhoWhatWhy.org and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
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The myth of America is that the greed of the many passed through the market system will produce a benevolent result for all.
The myth of America is that the hate of the many passed through the election system will produce a benevolent result for all.
Take away Trump and the system that produced Trump remains and, like the sorcerer’s apprentice, will produce still more horrors.
Obama ruled no less fascistically than Trump does, but Obama used a well lubed Steely Dan * while Trump uses a dry splintered broomstick** to stick it to the vulnerable of the world in a more aesthetically pleasing manner.
*The rock group Steely Dan took its name from the name of a sex device that appears in Burroughs book “Naked Lunch”.
**Abner Louima (born 1966 in Haiti is a Haitian who was assaulted, brutalized, and forcibly sodomized with a broken-off broom handle by officers of the NYPD after he was arrested outside a Brooklyn nightclub in 1997.
Obama ruled no less fascistically than Trump does, but Obama used a well lubed Steely Dan* to stick it to the vulnerable of the world in a more aesthetically pleasing manner, while Trump uses a dry splintered broomstick** to stick it to the vulnerable of the world.
One difference is that the courts ordered Trump to follow ‘due process’, something they would never have done had St Hillary been elected.
Of course, Obama only cancelled a very few visas (plus a few passports), Obama just made it much more difficult to get a new visa. Cancelling valid visas without due process was ruled illegal, as it certainly should have been.
But Trump can and is deporting those without visas as fast as he can round them up (except those who are covered by the DACA). And the Trumpists think this is GREAT!
Yeah, those selfsame Trump Chumps will have to pay ten dollars for a head of lettuce.
But Wait! There’s More! Trumpikins will create jobs this way! Now Americans will be able to do get those desirable jobs formerly done by migrant farm workers. All those shiny new jobs that pay around a dollar an hour. Everybody wins!
Trump may not understand that businesses want undocumented workers to remain here because these workers have no means to appeal when they are cheated and abused, because if they go to the authorities they will be deported.
The Republicans have been known to get carried away by their passions and even let their passions get in the way of their finances, such as when they derailed Bill Clinton’s sabotage of Social Security with their impeachment of him.
Big money is in no way serious about removing all undocumented workers because that would hit their bottom line, a line more sacred to them than the U.S. border line.
All that the rage for deportation serves is to make sure migrants continue to live in fear so wages are kept down.
Slave labor in prisons might serve that purpose, but state prison slaves in the fields may present the problem of runaway slaves that cannot be identified as easily as could black slaves be, and a runaway slave would also be an escaped convict.
Yet another big-spending, big-government action by a tax-slashing, financially-conservative gubmint-hater.
Am I the only one who sees a contradiction here?
American Government is like a magic show where impossible things will appear to have happened while attention is diverted away from the real action.
Reagan was going to reduce the national debt by reducing taxes and the Laffer curve was a real laugh-er. Republicans remember the electoral success of tax cutting but not the Reagan tax increase when it didn’t work out as sold, but that was before the real decline solidified its presence and was emulated by the Democrats.
“We are going to do more with less and make the government lean and accountable to the people,” – Said Donnie T. Rump as he unveiled his plan to increase military spending by 10%.
Remember Burton’s excellent “Mars Attacks”? The GOP always reminds me of the scene where the Martians are walking down the street, loudly proclaiming their friendship while shooting anything that moves.
“Mars Attacks” is one of my favorites, with two of my favorites Jack Nicholson and Burton.
My guess is that Trump is going to push for the build up of nuclear weapons to build up fear that he will cancel the ongoing series known as “human life on earth” so that even Democrats will welcome his new detente with Russia.
Laffer drew his curve on the back of a napkin, and it’s real. Tax at 100% or 0% and you won’t raise much money, so tax revenues are maximised for some value greater than 0% and less than 100%. Prof Krugman thinks the right level is a marginal rate of about 70%, and he could be right. The Lafferites know the optimal rate is ALWAYS less than 1/2 of the current rate, even if the current rate is 0.1%.
«“We are going to do more with less and make the government lean and accountable to the people,” – Said Donnie T. Rump as he unveiled his plan to increase military spending by 10%.» Cf this Real News interview with Lawrence Wilkerson, former assistant to Colin Luther Powell….
That should be : «Real News interview with Lawrence Wilkerson, former assistant to Colin Luther Powell»….
Ted, when are we going to get a preview option on your fora ?….
Does this include suspected jaywalking in downtown LA? 🙁
Sadly, in the worst scenario, one excuse is as good as another where America’s Alice in Wonderland rule of “sentence first, trial later” holds.
Good luck with your court date.
Best wishes, Ted.
Same from me. Any news?