
Transgender people often report having felt trapped in a different body gender than their actual identity. There was a “trans racial” NAACP official who identified as African-American though she had no black ancestry. Can transclassism be next in the battle for self identity and the right to live as we feel inside?

The Show Goes On

As we’re learning via the John Podesta emails being released via WikiLeaks, Hillary Clinton has a voracious appetite for fundraising, often by selling speeches for six figures. That’s a pretty addictive revenue stream. How will she channel her lust for cash if she’s elected president?


They say American democracy is a shining beacon to the world. But this year perhaps more than ever, friends and family members aren’t talking to each other because of their choice of a presidential candidate. Surely there must be some way to disagree and discuss and argue without hating one another.

2003 All Over Again

Remember the run up to the Iraq war? The Bush Administration made the case to invade based on a bunch of what ifs. Now the Democratic Party and its standardbearer Hillary Clinton is theorizing that Russia may have been behind hacks of the Democratic National Committee and seems willing to provoke a possible new cold war with our former rival. The logic seems very familiar.


Donald Trump keeps saying that the election might be stolen from his supporters. The main reason that he cites – voter fraud – is nonsense. But election fraud is a real problem. From Florida in 2000 to Ohio in 2004 to the Democratic primaries this last year, there have been very troubling examples of presidential elections that have been corrupted. But media gatekeepers don’t want you to think about that.

Love Trumps Hate…What?

“Love trumps hate.” It’s a cute bumper sticker and a cute T-shirt. But it’s a little rich coming from Hillary Clinton. Whether you support or oppose her, there’s no question that the one thing she doesn’t represent is love. The bombs that she voted to drop on the people of Iraq are not full of love. When she made jokes about watching the deposed dictator of Libya being disemboweled with the bayonet, she didn’t seem to be oozing with love. So what the heck are they talking about?

Americans Are Good…At

Twice, during the second presidential debate, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton said that the United States is good and that Americans are good people. The problem with that assertion, of course, is the fact that we betray our supposed values so often that you have to ask yourself whether they are our values at all.

Grabbing Fascism by the Pussy

Donald Trump called for a lot of outrageous things throughout his presidential campaign. He wanted Muslims to be banned from entering the knighted states. He wanted to build a border wall and deport 11 million illegal aliens. He called for beating up protesters at his own rallies. Oddly, none of this made him less popular. To the contrary. What did him in, or at least looks like it might, is an open microphone moment in which he talked about grabbing women’s pussies.

Loose Cannon

What supporters of Hillary Clinton fail to understand about many Donald Trump voters is that their argument that Trump would destroy everything is doomed to fail precisely because that’s what they want: to see the system blown up.

Pulitzer Material

After an anonymous leaker mailed Donald Trump’s 1995 tax return to the New York Times, the paper’s editors congratulated themselves and their reporter on the scoop of the century. It’s been so long since they did real investigative reporting that they’ve forgotten what it is.
