First They Came for the Chairs

The media went crazy over false reports that Bernie Sanders supporters threw some chairs at a Democratic convention in Nevada. They deplored the burning of Make America Great Again hats at a Trump rally. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton personally destroyed several Middle East nations…yet the media doesn’t have anything to say about that.


Tribune Publishing, parent company of the Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times, has changed its name after 168 years to Tronc.

Progress with an Asterisk

In American politics, all progress is symbolic. And even by symbolic standards, it’s empty. Like, why would the first woman president have to be one of the few women in public life to have achieved fame and political power via marriage rather than her strengths?

People Who Bother You in Bathrooms

After North Carolina passed HB2, the “Bathroom Law” designed to prevent transgendered people from bothering cis people in restrooms, I began thinking about the universe of high-profile Americans who really do cause mayhem in johns. Mostly, they’re Republican senators, coaches, and Republican Congressman who are also coaches.

South Carolina’s Repugnant Abortion Ban

The South Carolina state legislature has passed, and the governor says she plans to sign, a bill that would ban abortion in the state after 20 weeks of pregnancy, without the standard exceptions in cases of rape or incest.

Secrecy Doesn’t Count in Politics

Supporters of Hillary Clinton claim that her heart wasn’t into her public support for NAFTA, that she argued against the free trade agreement with Mexico and Canada as First Lady in the Bill Clinton White House. In politics, however, secretly doesn’t count.

Muslim Border Test

Under President Trump, all Muslims would be blocked from entering the United States. Or so he says. The question is, how will border guards know who is and isn’t Muslim? As the Crusaders who slaughtered Armenian Christians learned, there’s more to a religion than clothing.


Donald Trump has promised to deport all 11 million illegal immigrants from the United States if elected president. The optics of this forced population movement would be horrific, with millions of children who don’t remember their countries of origin ripped away from the homes in the dead of night and sent to internment camps. And there is nothing Trump needs from Congress to make this happen. He wouldn’t even need to issue an executive order.

Besides the Mass Murder

For many voters who oppose Hillary Clinton for President, her vote in favor of invading Iraq despite the utter lack of justification is a dealbreaker. For those who support her, they simply don’t care. How to bridge such a massive gap in world views?

Trump Democrats vs. Hillary Republicans

Likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump have incredibly high negative ratings in the polls. Also, Clinton is far to the right of her party while Trump is to the left of his. How will the usual voter revulsion play out this year?
