When Brett Kavanaugh was nominated to the Supreme Court, Democrats said he would shift the court far to the right in a disastrous way. During Senate confirmation hearings, however, this “dangerous” nominee faces a smooth, easy ride without major challenges.
At the Brett Kavanaugh Hearing, Democrats Make a Not-So-Bold Stand for the #Resistance
Democrats interrupted Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee during confirmation for right-wing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. But they weren’t willing to go to the mat. The minute Republicans expressed their annoyance they went quiet. So much for the glorious fight against Trump that Democrats dare to compare to the French Resistance of World War II!
If They See Something, They Do Something — To You
New York governor Andrew Cuomo has announced the operation and installation of biometric cameras at New York City bridge and tunnel entrances for the purpose of scanning the faces of people driving in and out of New York City and entering them into a biometric data base. In addition, they are scanning license plates to check for outstanding warrants They station police at the end of the bridge or tunnel to arrest anyone whose plate comes up as a match. You might think that if you have nothing bad in your past you have nothing to worry about, but history suggests you are wrong.
The 2 Million Vietnamese You Meet In Heaven If You’re John McCain
I don’t believe in an afterlife but I love the conceit. I have a personal variant on the popular heaven/hell/maybe purgatory theme: what if everyone who dies goes to an afterlife cocktail party to hang out with other ghosts? John McCain would surely encounter some of the Vietnamese people he killed on the way to creating the hero myth that carried him to the U.S. Senate.
Trump Should Watch More Mafia Movies If He Wants to Remain President
Donald Trump talks and acts a lot like a traditional New York gangster. But he doesn’t know some of the basic rules of running a successful gangland operation. For example, you should always take care of the people you are asking to keep silent for you. In the mafia, mobsters go to prison for years with the understanding that the organization will hire the best lawyers to defend them and make sure that their families are taken care of and that they will live as well as possible while doing time. One has to wonder why Donald Trump didn’t extend similar guarantees to people like Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort.In the mafia, mobsters go to prison for years with the understanding that the organization will hire the best lawyers to defend them and make sure that their families are taken care of and that they will live as well as possible while doing time. One has to wonder why Donald Trump didn’t extend similar guarantees to people like Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort.