The 41st president is dead and the usual hagiography and crime-scrubbing is upon us. But millions of victims demand justice, or at least remembrance. Bush was a monster and a prick. We should never forget that.
Just Because George H.W. Bush Is Dead Doesn’t Mean We Should Forget He Was a Monster
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Fun Fact: The Bush Dynasty fortune was started with Prescott Bush’s use of Jewish slave labor under the Nazis.
Let’s not forget his children.(×7898953). They are surely his proudest accomplishments and the clearest, best example of the values he exemplified and the kind of person he truly was.
Ted, I would like to suggest that you publish some obits for the rest of the former presidents. I live in constant fear of the media’s total distortion of reality every time one of the former presidents is dragged back into hell. Maybe a preemptive truth-strike could shame the media into some honest reportage on the next one.
I read a great quote once – don’t remember it exactly. Something to the effect that the patriarch is smart and ruthless, the heir is merely ruthless, and the grandson is neither. (I’m nominating Prescott as the patriarch here … although the angel on my shoulder is whispering “Fred Trump”)
Spy Magazine did something similar. I think one of the ones they had went something like:
Richard Nixon minus half the intelligence plus twice the ease in front of a camera equals Ronald Reagan.
I truly have to wonder what would have to come after Trump to continue the trend. How much lower can we get? I can see it now: Hillary Rodham Clinton, having just stolen the nomination — again — with the help of her few remaining cronies in the dNC, runs on the Clinton-Kissinger (as you may know, the War Criminal Henry Kissinger is one of her closest pals) ticket against an inanimate carbon rod representing all the energy and fresh ideas of the Republican Party.
Rodham vs. Rod. Who’ll win? Tune in to find out ….
Ahh, your delayed post finally appeared.
I would like to see Ted’s obits of former presidents as well. But I do admit I’d prefer to see obits for current presidents even more …
Negotiated Nafta, which sold out the American worker.
Signed the 1990 Immigration Act, bringing cheap labor from the third world into the United States.
Proclaimed a “New World Order” that ushered in globalism.
That must have been a very long time ago, Ted ; in the terms often attributed to Talleyrand, but quite familiar in, e g, ancient Greece, la parole a été donné à l’homme pour déguiser sa pensée….
Listen how the fake news floats their canards (leurres de canard en bois, wooden duck decoys) about how George H.W. Bush was so much better than Trump is.
The American people will flock to the decoys, and soon the pond will be full of real live quacking ducks, who will be tearfully celebrating the virtues of H.W. Bush.
George H.W. Bush pardoned Casper Weinberger right before special prosecutor Walsh could have forced Bush’s testimony under oath for his complicity in the Iran Contra crimes (George H.W. Bush thereby effectively pardoning himself).
Some day the American People will hold up Trump as a man exemplifying a Golden Age of principled leadership, just as George H.W. will be today.
Then Americans will wonder how things could have fallen so far in so few years, but will never examine their own gullibility as a contributing factor.
Quack! Quack! The American People are destined to be in the Duck Soup.
Why a duck? Why’a no chicken?
“Polite to the AIDS Crisis”, but an asshole to those who suffered it.
WEBMASTER: This is strange, I’m seeing Alex de Tired’s posts on this topic in email notifications – but not on this page. Gremlins?
My bet is the missing word ‘dead’ in the original post, it’s messing up the URL…
I put two URLs in the original. It’s being moderated. And speaking of moderation, I wonder if now, that Poppy and Bar are gone, people are gonna start publishing the real dirt on Dubya and all the neocons.
That’s rather odd – I managed to respond to one even though it’s unvisible. It’s obviously lost in the aetherwebz. (cue Twilight Zone theme)