Donald Trump’s insult tweets follow a familiar pattern of outrage followed by numbness. And the slime always manages to linger
What Americans Want More Than Anything Else is Donald Trump’s Tax Return
So now the Democrats have taking back the House of Representatives, the question is, what will they do? They can’t pass any legislation but they can use their subpoena power to hold a lot of hearings and yell a lot. And of course, try to get Donald Trump’s taxes released. Is this really why people lined up on election day?
Gridlock Is A Good Thing
Predictably, after the 2018 midterm elections resulted in a split decision between a House of Representatives controlled by Democrats and a Senate and the White House controlled by Republicans, pundits decried the fact that split government would mean that very little would get done. Considering who the president is, is that really a bad thing?
“Resistance” Democrats Promise Bipartisanship with the Same Republicans They Called Scum
Throughout the election campaign of 2018, “resistance” Democrats promised that if they were to retake the House of Representatives, there would be hell to pay on the part of Republicans. But then, after they did just that, Nancy Pelosi, probably the speaker of the house under the new majority, pledged to work in a bipartisan fashion with the very same Republicans she claimed to deplore We know it’s all just kabuki theater but really?
How a BillShit Becomes Law
A “billshit” is a bullshit bill: legislation that its backer knows full well can never survive a constitutional challenge. Donald Trump is floating a billshit in the form of an executive order that would effectively overturn the 14th Amendment, which provides for birthright citizenship. The courts will overturn it. Trump knows. But he also knows it will take the courts a long time to act.
This Cartoon Explains Why Voting Democratic Can’t Do Anything to Stop Trump
Democrats say the key to stopping Trump’s conservative agenda is to vote Democratic in the midterm elections. But Democrats admit they have no plans to impeach Trump. With the Senate certain to remain in Republican hands, there isn’t much Democrats could do if they wanted. So what exactly is the point of voting Democratic?
At This Restaurant, There Are Only Two Dishes on the Menu and They Both Suck
Voter turnout is low. So people are constantly saying we need to make it easier to vote with same-day voter registration, better access to the polls and so on. Could it be that the real problem is that the two political parties on offer are both so unappealing that people would rather not choose between them?