Why don’t more victims of depression call for help? Some people who do wind up not with help but a giant medical bill.
Brett Kavanaugh Shows Why the US is the Bestest Country in the Whole Wide World
The Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings and subsequent controversy confirm an uncomfortable truth about the process: it’s not about serious issues but a carnival-like media feeding frenzy over scandal. Whether he tried to rape someone matters. Of course it matters. But why are we ignoring his outlandish legal theories and perjury?
If Other Nations Mourned Like the U.S.
What if other countries mourned their national tragedies the way we do? The United States reads off the names of the dead during annual commemoration ceremonies and builds walls with names. Other countries have far bigger death counts, often due to us, but the scale of the carnage makes it impossible for them to wallow in such niceties.
Sympathy for the Hardass Right-Wing Devil
Right-wing Republicans like Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh pride themselves on their careers of moralizing and judgementalism. They give no mercy, brook no excuses for wrongdoing. But when they’re accused of a crime, they beg like children to be forgiven and given the benefit of the doubt they don’t give others.
Trump: You Only Count as Dead if It Happens Right Away
As Hurricane Florence bore down on the Carolinas, Donald Trump tweeted that Democrats had unfairly blamed him for the 3,000 Puerto Ricans who died after two hurricanes destroyed the island last year and the federal government failed to provide adequate aid and infrastructure repairs after the storm. Trump says you only die from a hurricane if it happens that day. But that’s not how disasters unfold.
Can We Support Colin Kaepernick and Still Hate Nike For Abusing Foreign Workers?
Nike shoe company has signed a supportive endorsement deal for Colin Kaepernick, the NFL player who has been blackballed by the NFL for participating in the #BlackLivesMatter movement by taking a knee during the playing of the National Anthem. The problem for social justice-minded Americans is, can we support Kaepernick without supporting Nike, which is infamous for abusing its workers overseas and outsourcing American jobs?