Democrats to USA: We’re Not Saying Much

National Democrats have decided not to follow the successful strategies that Republicans followed to victory in 1994 and Democrats used to win in 2006. Rather than nationalize the election, they’re letting local candidates for Congress determine their own promises and platforms.

The Travails of Donald Trump’s Hollywood Star

West Hollywood City Council has voted to remove Donald Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. The star has been vandalized, repaired and now there’s a civic battle over whether or not it should be removed.

The Audacity of Fake Environmental Hope

Back in the 1980s, it may have been possible to reverse climate change. But we missed that opportunity and now it’s too late. There’s simply too much energy in the atmosphere to reverse the effects of more than two centuries of mass industrialization. Yet every new story and article put out by environmentalists and their allies keep claiming that it’s not too late to reverse course. What’s the point of hope when the truth is hopeless?

Such Terrible News…and Such Small Portions

As in the old joke about the restaurant with terrible food but such small portions, American media outlets simultaneously criticize Donald Trump and his staff of lying at press conferences and then complain that he doesn’t give enough of them.

After a Lot of Hype, Russian Interference Turns Out Not to Amount to Much

For more than two years, we have been treated to vague rumors and leaks about alleged Russian interference in American elections beginning in 2016. However, there has never been much detail provided. Now, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats has testified before Congress, and the details are finally coming out. It turns out that there aren’t many details at all. To the contrary, the American intelligence community accuses Russia of using Russian media outlets to promote Russian points of view, and of bringing attention to divisive issues in American politics. It never occurred to anyone that these issues are legitimate and deserve to be discussed ,or to say perhaps what matters is the issues themselves.
