Alternate Universe RepublicansJanuary 13, 2012•Ted Rall In a startling reversal of conservative orthodoxy, which is militantly capitalist, Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry–both right-wing conservatives–attack Mitt Romney for his past as a gangster capitalist.
Democratic Primaries Minus DemocracyJanuary 11, 2012•Ted Rall Despite a crashing economy and angry liberals, Barack Obama runs unchallenged in the 2012 Democratic Party primaries.
Secrets of the Mitt Romney Tax ReturnJanuary 9, 2012•Ted Rall Why won’t Republican candidate Mitt Romney release his tax returns? What is he hiding?
Boundless OptimismJanuary 6, 2012•Ted Rall Year after year, things get worse. Year after year, Americans are optimistic about the future.
Hours After the End of the Iraq WarJanuary 2, 2012•Ted Rall The Iraq War is over. Now the Obama Administration is sabre-rattling with Iran.
The American WayDecember 30, 2011•Ted Rall As North Korea’s ruling dynasty continues, the US lectures about a democracy we don’t have ourselves.
Occupy Public EducationDecember 28, 2011•Ted Rall Public education is under seige by paperwork- and test-obsessed bureaucrats, union-busters and privatization.
You’re Gonna Miss MeDecember 26, 2011•Ted Rall As the U.S. withdraws from an Iraq it destroyed, it wonders how Iraqis will do on their own.
Kim Jong-Il, RIPDecember 23, 2011•Ted Rall The dictator of North Korea passes into the afterlife. But which one?