Iraq War Veterans, 2032December 21, 2011•Ted Rall The Iraq War is over. Now, watch the retroactive mythmaking begin, just as happened after America’s similar defeat in Vietnam.
Prison for ProfitDecember 19, 2011•Ted Rall Vampire capitalism at its finest: Riverside County California will charge inmates $142 for each night they spend in jail.
Occupy GodDecember 14, 2011•Ted Rall What kind of God lets hedge fund managers win the lottery? One in cahoots with the top 1%.
Flash in the PanDecember 12, 2011•Ted Rall Pundits criticize the Occupy Wall Street movement for not having any ideas or demands. The same can easily be said for the mainstream political class in Washington and New York, beginning with the Democrats and Republicans.
Without PermissionDecember 9, 2011•Ted Rall Local police clear Occupy movement Occupiers out of small public parks around the United States because they don’t have official permission.
Booze Culture vs. Pot CultureDecember 7, 2011•Ted Rall Why does society tolerate and encourage booze consumption while obsessively banning marijuana?
SorryDecember 5, 2011•Ted Rall Obama announced that the U.S. will station 2,500 U.S. troops in northern Australia.
OverDecember 2, 2011•Ted Rall Right-wing candidate Herman Cain can’t be defeated by supporting evil policies…yet gets laid low by getting caught getting laid.
Window Shopping During a Time of RevolutionNovember 30, 2011•Ted Rall As revolution looms, Americans size up their options for the future.