I recently learned that I am about to lose one of my major cartooning clients. I am looking for work and scrambling to replace it. I represent a unique voice in American politics — an unapologetic leftie, totally independent, congenitally unable to sell out. I am loyal to ideas, not parties. I care about people, and how to make their lives better. I have an obligation to keep going.
I know you appreciate what I do or you wouldn’t be here. So I am asking, if you are not already pitching in, to support my work and point-of-view by visiting my Patreon page and committing to a monthly donation. If even 1% of the people who read this site made even a modest donation, I would easily be able to replace the income from my lost gig and focus on my work.
This is the new model of support for political cartooning and writing. Another way to think about it is, if you’re like me, you are only paying a small fraction of what we used to pay for newspaper and magazine subscriptions in the 1990s. So you’re already saving money on news, even if you do help your favorite content providers!
Thank you for reading this…