Just wanted to wish you and yours a wonderful and happy and prosperous 2018. Lord knows it’s probably too late to hope for anything good out of 2017. And I’m not necessarily just talking about politics either.
Looking ahead to the coming year, I have some big plans.
In January and February, I will be joining my co-author Harmon Leon for a book tour and press appearances to promote our “Meet the Deplorables: Inside Trump America.” If you are on the central see board of the eastern United States, do come check us out in Washington, Philadelphia, New York, and possibly Baltimore and Boston if we find venues willing to host us. We are also willing to appear elsewhere, so if you know someone who wants to fly us out and put us up and maybe pay something to talk, do get in touch.
In March I will release the fourth of my graphic novel biographies, “Francis: The People’s Pope.” I’m very excited about it and I think it turned out really well. I have some ideas for number five, that I’m going to discuss with my publisher. (If you know where I can get in touch with Chelsea Manning, do let me know.)
Also in the spring, I will file the anti-SLAPP appeal in my lawsuit against the LA Times. Last summer, I lost to defendant LA Times’ anti-SLAPP motion, but we believe we have good reasons and causes for appeal that will prevail at the higher court. I am available for interviews and speaking engagements to discuss the First Amendment implications of a major newspaper chain owned by the LAPD, something that few readers are aware of. With luck, we will get in front of the Court of Appeals sometime in 2018. If we do, then the case begins in earnest.
I’ll be working on new books and doing public appearances throughout the coming year, and as usual I’ll be looking forward to hearing from you too.
Happy New Year! 🎈🎈🎈