Where Are the Righties Now?

The sound of crickets chirping…that’s what you hear when I do cartoons mocking Nancy Pelosi and a particularly P.C. NAACP “burial” of the “N-word.” But when I do something that pisses them off (i.e., about their sainted soldiers, which is weird considering that no one’s stopping them from enlisting, you know?), they follow Michelle Malkin off into ban-them-all send-em-to-Gitmo land. Right-wingers cherrypick their outrage, never tempering their reaction with an acknowledgement that, as an editorial commentator I’m an equal opportunity offender who takes on the left as much as the right.

Then there’s the other Big Silence–the Republican reaction to a well-sourced argument that decimates their shibboleths. I expected a big reaction to this week’s column. After all, in just 1400 words I left the Heritage Foundation’s much-vaunted claim that US soldiers are at least as well educated and wealthy as the average Joe and Jane twisting in the statistical winds. I know the right-wing bloggers read it–I have the software to track that–but they decided not to say boo.

At least I’m honest. When right-wingers are right, I say so. Unfortunately, too many partisans–on all sides of the American political debate–simply put their hands over their ears and pretend that countervailing evidence never existed.

TGIF – Terror Cheese edition!
posted by TheDon

Sadly, it’s not even news that the TSA planted phony terror stories to distract the news media from bad administration news. I will admit that I was initially worried about blocks of cheese with wires inside them. That sounds like real terrorist dry runs, and that was the point of planting that lie. The fact that the cheese had no wires in it or even particularly near it, and that “cell phone components” in this case meant a wall charger didn’t make the initial story. I guess I’m still not cynical enough about this administration, but in my defense, we really are in uncharted waters here.
Toast the TSA with a plate of cheese, and one of these:
Red Alert
Fill a highball glass halfway with ice, and pour in a small Red Bull.
Add 3 oz vokda
Add 2 oz pomegranate juice
stir, enjoy!

Lying AGAG Thrown under the Bus!
posted by TheDon

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales (AGAG) has just been tossed under the bus. According to the AP:

The weekly said that the committee found that on at least two occasions, astronauts were allowed to fly after flight surgeons and other astronauts warned they were so intoxicated that they posed a flight-safety risk.

Wait. What? I meant this story:

FBI Director Robert S. Mueller said Thursday the government’s terrorist surveillance program was the topic of a 2004 hospital room dispute between top Bush administration officials, contradicting Attorney General Alberto Gonzales’ sworn Senate testimony.

To me, the most surprising aspect of the AGAG saga, with politicizing the DOJ, using USAs for political persecutions, authorizing torture and wiretapping, is the appearance of people with integrity. There was, it seems, a fairly large group of honorable men, serving their country, and they seemed to be associated with John Ashcroft. I assure you that I would have bet against that before this came out. Most of those honorable men have been run out of the administration, so I don’t know if Mueller is one of them.
This might have been him acting with integrity, or it might be Bush using his FBI Director to throw Gonzo under the bus. Either step was way overdue, and accomplishes the same goal. Going, going, Gonzo!

This Week’s Column

Technical difficulties have caused a bizarre truncation of today’s column on Yahoo as well as my website. I expect the whole thing will go up shortly, but for those who like their op/ed writing relatively continguous, here it is.

Debunking the Military Debunkers
by Ted Rall
SAN DIEGO–“The typical recruit in the all-volunteer force is wealthier, more educated and more rural than the average 18- to 24-year-old citizen is,” claimed the authors of an oft-cited 2005 “comprehensive study” of the U.S. military commissioned by the Heritage Foundation.
“A pillar of conventional wisdom about the U.S. military is that the quality of volunteers has been degraded after the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq,” said the conservative think tank. “Some insist that minorities and the underprivileged are over-represented in the military. Others accuse the U.S. Army of accepting unqualified enlistees in a futile attempt to meet its recruiting goals in the midst of an unpopular war.” These myths, insisted Heritage and its media allies, were propagated by antiwar liberals out to demoralize the country by attacking its troops.
Two years later, right-wingers trot out the Heritage troop survey as evidence that America is sending its best and brightest, rather than its down and out, to win Afghan and Iraqi hearts and minds. The GOP blog Newsbusters used it to rebut Rosie O’Donnell’s statement that most recruits enlist in the army to get an education: “Of course, facts don’t matter to Rosie O’Donnell.” But are these “facts” true?
The claim that U.S. combat troops come from richer families and enjoy higher levels of educational attainment than the average American defies both conventional wisdom and everyday observation. Active-duty soldiers earn less than their civilian counterparts. In a capitalist society low-paying jobs seldom attract people with higher educational credentials. A disproportionate share of blogs by soldiers serving on the frontlines are poorly written. High-ranking officers, even generals, come off as hick bureaucrats on television. Many troops believe they’re in Iraq to fight those responsible for 9/11 or to prevent them from invading the U.S. And a majority of soldiers are conservative Republicans, voting for Bush over Kerry by a 4-to-1 margin in 2004. (The most educated group of voters are liberal Democrats, 50 percent of whom have bachelor’s degrees or higher. Republicans tend to be less educated.)
Curious about anything that challenges my assumptions, I looked into the Heritage Foundation study. As it turns out, military personnel are poorer and less educated than the average American civilian. Moreover, they’re also a lot more likely to be African-American. (State-controlled media continues to repeat Heritage’s claim that the military reflects American racial demographics.)
There are lies, damned lies, and Republican statistics. The Heritage study relies on apples-to-oranges comparisons and factual omissions.
No one tracks how much soldiers earned the year before they enlist. The Department of Defense estimates that its employees take a $20,000-per-year pay-and-benefits hit relative to civilians the same age throughout their careers. There is, however, a nifty study by the non-partisan National Priorities Project that compares home ZIP codes of new recruits to tax return data for those areas. “Neighborhoods with low- to middle-median household incomes are over-represented,” finds the NPP. “Neighborhoods with high-median household incomes are under-represented.
A closer look shows that the socioeconomic distance between America at home and American troops abroad is a gaping chasm. Young men and women from affluent neighborhoods–those with average household incomes of $100,000 or more–are three to four times less likely as those from poor and lower middle class areas (under $50,000) to serve in the military. This ratio is increasing.
Heritage obtained different results by “comparing these wartime recruits (2003–2005) to the resident population ages 18–24” in each ZIP code (as opposed to the overall population, all ages included). Many recruits are college dropouts who list their last address–their college dorm–when they sign up. College ZIP codes, populated by disproportionately high numbers of 18-to-24-year-olds who are full-time students and/or work low-paying and part-time jobs. Though imperfect, NPP gets much closer to comparing apples to apples by looking at the overall income picture of recruits’ hometowns or communities surrounding a college, not just college-aid kids who earn a pittance.
Nothing says that poor people can’t make good soldiers. But let’s not kid ourselves. There’s a reason so many of the dead come from high-unemployment, low-wage states like West Virginia. They’re desperate. And desperate people are more tempted to accept a job that could cost them their lives.
Poorly Educated
“Many enlisted personnel are drawn to the benefits offered by the armed forces that allow them to obtain funding for college,” the Heritage study’s authors allows. (Hi, Rosie.) On the broader point of education levels among U.S. troops, however, they again resort to pomegranate-to-rutabaga comparisons.
The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office’s “1999 Survey of Active Duty Personnel” (the last year for which such data is available) found that “about 60 percent of enlisted personnel surveyed…reported having no more than a high school-level education when they began their military service.” (Heritage jacks up the total to 83 percent by including GEDs.) 90 percent of employed Americans over age 25 have a high school diploma.
As they age, military personnel eventually obtain additional educational credentials during their years in the service. Even so, the March 2003 U.S. Census finds that 32 percent of employed Americans have a bachelors or advanced degree. Just seven percent of soldiers do.
You don’t need a Ph.D. in Middle East Studies to fire a rifle. But higher education generally leads to greater worldliness–which would come in handy in the post-9/11 era.
Blacker Grunts, Whiter Officers
“Allegations that recruiters are disproportionately targeting blacks also don’t hold water,” says the Heritage Foundation. “First, whites make up 77.4% of the nation’s population and 75.8% of its military volunteers, according to our analysis of Department of Defense data.”
Which is “true”–but not True.
The key word here is “volunteers,” which here means “new recruits.” A new CBO study released this July states: “Because black personnel have been a larger share of recruits in the past and because they have relatively high retention rates, however, they account for a larger share of the active enlisted force as a whole: 19 percent, compared with 14 percent of the civilian population of 17- to 49- year-olds. Black service members make up a smaller percentage of the active officer corps: 9 percent.”
You’re more than 35 percent more likely to be in the military if you’re black than if you’re white. But you’re 35 percent less likely to become an officer. Ignore the propaganda–the military is a reflection of, rather than a cure for, racism.
Hard Times for Recruiters
With Afghanistan joining Iraq as a war considered an unwinnable mistake in the minds of the public, military recruiters are being forced to scrape the bottom of the barrel.
In 2005 the Army promoted 97 percent of all eligible captains to major, an increase from the prewar norm of 70-to-80 percent. A Department official told The Los Angeles Times: “Basically, if you haven’t been court-martialed, you’re going to be promoted to major.”
It may be too much to assert that, as Asia Times did recently, that “U.S. ground forces are increasingly made up of a motley mix of under-age teens, old-timers, foreign fighters, gang-bangers, neo-Nazis, ex-cons, inferior officers and a host of near-mercenary troops, lured in or kept in uniform through big payouts and promises.” Or is it?
“Recruiters are knowingly allowing neo-Nazis and white supremacists to join the armed forces, and commanders don’t remove them from the military even after we positively identify them as extremists or gang members,” Scott Barfield, a Defense Department investigator told the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Citing the “toughest recruiting climate ever faced by the all-volunteer army,” Major General Michael Rochelle, head of army recruitment promises: “If you have excessively prominent and vulgar tattoos they will not take you right now, but that is about to change.”
“824 felons were allowed to sign up in 2004 as opposed to 1,605 in 2006 under the moral waivers scheme,” reports the UK Guardian. “Almost 59,000 drug abusers entered the military in the same period.”
There are, of course, intelligent, well-educated children of wealthy parents serving in the military. But they are the exception, not the rule. If Afghanistan and Iraq are, as the Bush Administration argues, central fronts in the war on terror, which is a war for hearts and minds, we ought to be sending our best-prepared, most presentable representatives of American society abroad as personal ambassadors. Our decision not to pay the higher salaries and benefits that would lure those men and women out of the civilian workforce belies those claims.

Waitin’ for the Commutation
posted by TheDon
The AP is reporting that Sabri Benkahla received a 10 year sentence for lying to a grand jury, obstruction of justice and making a false statement. Benkahla’s defense team argued that

prosecutors were bitter because the 32-year-old Benkahla, born and raised in the U.S., had been acquitted of giving aid to the Taliban and that they were setting a perjury trap by hauling him in front of the grand jury in 2004.

The prosecutors had a different take on the situation.

Under normal sentencing guidelines, Sabri Benkahla would have received at most a three-year term for his convictions this year on charges of lying to a grand jury, obstruction of justice and making a false statement.

But for the first time, prosecutors were able to obtain a stiffer sentence by arguing that Benkahla’s lies effectively promoted terrorism by obstructing a wide-ranging terror investigation.

Prosecutor Gordon Kromberg argued that Benkahla stymied an FBI investigation by giving a grand jury misleading information about his contacts on a 1999 trip to a training camp run by a group called Lashkar-e-Taiba, which the U.S. has since designated a terrorist organization and Kromberg said has links to al-Qaida.

I’m assuming that right-wing radio will be all over this one. I mean, the idea! No underlying crime, and all he did was lie to a grand jury, and he got TEN YEARS?!?!? It’s outrageous, and I’m sure they won’t let up until President Bush pardons this man who was never in any kind of legal trouble before. I’m guessing Fred Thompson will run the defense fund?

TNN – Headline News
Posted by TheDon
Since the Don Imus firing, I’ve been watching MSNBC in the morning. I tried watching when he was still on the air but just couldn’t take more than a few minutes of the cranky old drunk routine. Although I don’t like the reasons they used to pull him off the air, I always wondered why they didn’t get someone on in the mornings who was watchable. It seemed like there was a real opportunity to grab the audience of people who wanted a serious news show in the morning. Nobody else has.

During the interview process they tried some really good people as well as some really bad ones. Sadly, they settled on Joey the Scar, but he has a good supporting cast, and the format is great. Long interviews with people who matter, long news segments when needed, less fluff than most (although it is there). This morning’s headlines have so many notable stories that I had to grab the keyboard.

In the NYT, MaDo says that W has turned the Republicans in her family into Democrats. I think there are two factors at work. First, the goalposts have been moved so far to the right that Nixon would have to run as a liberal today. They have finally become too obnoxious for all but the true believers. Second, there’s Bush. Who would want to be associated with him? He can’t be defended in any debate or argument, only in the safe harbor of incestuous television discussions and printed screeds.

Fort Lewis Washington joins other military bases in eliminating individual memorials for fallen soldiers, opting for once-a-month Memorial Days. I’ve written about this before, and it really makes me angry. Whether you support the current wars or not (and I don’t), you can’t support the destruction of our army and the disrespect towards people who died after they volunteered to fight for us. Where is the outrage from the “Support The Troops” crowd?

The Pentagon is now targeting Summer 2009 to bring stability to Iraq. “The plan is in keeping with President Bush’s surge strategy.” Ummmmm… That would be the brief surge which would last a couple of months? The one which would bring us “a bloody Summer”? The one we would be able to judge very quickly? The one which continues to make Al-Qaeda stronger? That one? Dammit. ITMFA to stop these wars.

The Pentagon is going for some quick, easy bandaids to fix the VA medical system. Here’s my fix – universal health care! You don’t need a separate health care system when it’s free for everyone.

Gonzo lied repeatedly to Congress, and in easily provable ways. Impeach that clown, and his bosses.

The Arab League is offering full recognition of Israel in a plan which involves returning to pre-1967 borders. Call me a starry-eyed optimist, but this sounds like a pretty good way to go. If enough people are finally tired of the bloodshed, and if the Arab League governments will really commit to enforcing the plan, it could be the solution we’ve been looking for.

The TSA is trying to scare us some more, with stories of terrorist dry runs. I see that support for the Iraq war is inching up, and I’m guessing that the loyal Bushies believe that the current strategy of referring to every man, woman and child that we torture or kill in Iraq as Al Qaeda is responsible. So bring on the fear! It’s working, boys!

What a morning of headlines! More shows like this, please!

Short Conversations
posted by TheDon
I just had this telephone conversation:
(caller): Hi, I’m Ron from the Republican National Congressional Committee, and I’d like to ask you a question.
(TheDon): OK.
(caller): So do you think it would be a good thing or a bad thing if a Democrat like Hillary Clinton would be elected president?
(TheDon): I think it could save the country.
(caller): So you think it would be a good thing.
(TheDon): The very best kind of thing.
(caller): Thank you. Goodbye.

I guess they were just wondering. Heh.

and don’t come back
posted by TheDon

A local station is reporting that two-sport star Michael Vick is about to take a leave of absence. Nobody is sure if the leave will be paid or unpaid, or who forced the issue, but they are reporting it as a done deal. I have been predicting that Vick will never play for the Falcons again, and this is probably the first step towards kicking him off the team. The image of Vick throwing puppies to the ground as hard as he can to kill them has completed the fall from grace for this athlete who was embraced by the whole city 6 years ago.

He won’t be missed. This story, with the revelations about the extensive involvment of professional athletes and musicians in this vicious gutter sport, has made me rethink my attitude towards professional sports. I have been able to smother my concern over the upside-down societal priorities which make people who can throw and hit balls fabulously wealthy, but keep the people who teach our children in poverty. It’s the whole modern gladiator thing, where we cheer for our local heroes – I get that. But I think I’ve reached the tipping point. At least for now, I’m through with the NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, etc. I’m sending them packing from my house, and asking them to not come back.

Sunday Funnies
posted by TheDon

Meat The Press
The NIE on the terrorist threat to the “homeland”. Director of National Intelligence Admiral Mike McConnell.
Admiral Mike says the most serious threat facing our country is that plotters who are being observed will be successful penetrating our defenses and completing an attack. Either chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear. WOW! That really narrows it down. Thanks Mike! We don’t face suiciders here because we have erected barriers. Or our erections have barriers. Or something. He seems quitely proud.
Daaaaaamn! He just mentioned Al-Qaeda plotting against us “in their safe haven in Pakistan”. Was he supposed to say that? The “Bush Doctrine” says we have to attack Pakistan now, doesn’t it? He also understands the difference between strategic warnings and tactical warnings. How the HELL did this guy get into this administration? He worried that there are “sleeper cells” in the US but doesn’t know.
Timmeh asks why, one year after an NIE said AQ was ineffective and scattered, a new NIE says they are a grave threat to our country. Doesn’t mention that we have killed 29/30s of AQ leadership, according to John Stewart. Admiral Mike mentions the safe haven in Pakistan again. Ok, I get it. He says that Pakistan reached a political agreement with AQ leaders instead of “pushing them out”. This is the new talking point that you have to kill, kill, kill, bomb, bomb, bomb everyone. It’s a new scapegoating technique. He leaves out the part where Pakistan tried “pushing them out” and failed miserably, then decided to deal with them politically to save the government which controls the nukes. I know… details…
Timmeh asks why we haven’t captured OBL. Admiral Mike goes with “it’s hard to capture an individual”. Leaves out “we weren’t really trying.” Timmeh asks if capturing OBL is worth the probable loss of the Musharref government. Admiral Mike doesn’t buy the scenario. Praises our “strong ally, valuable ally” Pervey.
Timmeh asks about the new, improved torture memo. Admiral Mike demurs, says the US doesn’t engage in torture. Same lie, different day. Says he was horrified by Abu Garhib, but must not be bothered by waterboarding. Won’t address a direct question on waterboarding. Mentions doctors being involved in decisions, and supervising, says we don’t “torture”. Interestingly claims people don’t face heat and cold. That sounds like a lie. It still comes down to the definition, doesn’t it. Bastards. Says they “cause uncertainty”, forcing someone to talk to them. Yeah, they are uncertain if they are about to die. By definition, that’s torture.
Timmeh brings up the NIE assessment that the Iraq war is a great recruitment tool for AQ. Admiral Mike doesn’t disagree, but tries to muddy the waters. Brings up Anbar, as always. This really plays into the “we’re fighting AQ” argument. Timmeh asks about that, and Admiral Mike almost tells the truth. Almost. Timmeh keeps pressing on the deceptive claims that we are mostly fighting AQ over there. Admiral Mike almost agrees, but still pushes AQ as an instigator.
Timmeh brings up an interview where Admiral Mike called the Cheney administaion a bunch of political hacks who cooked the intelligence and ended up with a disaster. I’m not making that up. Admiral Mike acknowledges it, then goes after the Cheney/Feith connection. Daaaaaaaaamn. They let this guy on the teevee? And by “they” I mean the administration and the network. This is surprising. He stops short of saying that the intelligence was hyped, but just barely.
Good stuff.
And now my choice for President, Senator Russ Feingold. In. My. Dreams.
Feingold thinks congress will stop the war. From his lips… He’s encouraged by recent activities. Little Russ asks Senator Russ if he’s afraid that withdrawal will lead to cataclysmic violence and genocide. Senator points out the current situation, which includes cataclysmic violence and genocide. Goes with “we leave, the other players will get involved out of self-interest, and help stabilize when the occupation is over.”
Feingold is going to do something serious – push a censure resolution. Sigh. How about something VERY serious? ITMFA! Timmeh points out that the last censure resolution died with only 4 aye votes. Senator Russ says that one stopped the illegal wiretapping program. Feingold isn’t ready to tie up the Senate with impeachment. It can’t be any more of a waste than the current state of affairs.
Round table. Jeebuz. A couple of idiots (Bob Woodward, David Brooks) and Stephen Hayes. This could be a fast-forward-fest. I’ll skip the Republican talking points when possible.
Money quote from BoBo, speaking of Bush,”You might think that’s strong leadership, you might think that’s deranged.” I’m pretty sure it’s not “strong leadership” when you haven’t seen 30% support in HOW LONG?, and your party got spanked in the last election. So BoBo actually got one right!
Blah-blah-blah about Cheney and about how this administration views the Iraq war. Nothing new here, except Cheney has figured out that the insurgency wasn’t in its last throes.

Fawkes News

Fran Townsend (Bush’s Homeland Security Advisor). I’m going to skip right over this lying shill.I watched her lie all week, don’t need any more.
“Democrats see political advantage in the Threat Assessment.” Guess that’s the fair and balanced view. If you’re a partisan hack. Evan Bayh and Kit Bond to debate whether Iraq is part of the War on Terra. That’ll save some viewing time as well.
Panel Time!
Cat fight between Elizabeth Edwards and Senator Clinton – I’ll pass.
The Pentagon attacks Senator Clinton in a disgusting, dishonest, partisan way. Smug Kristol smirks his way through a “serious proposal to have a debate between the spouses”. Juan scores a three-pointer immediately with “you have to include Jerri Thompson, the trophy wife.” He’s normally heroic on Sunday, and this one doesn’t look like it will disappoint. He then defends the Senate’s right to oversight. Sadly, this isn’t done nearly often enough.
Turning to Republicans, when will Fred declare? It makes Brit smile, but I’ve read good reasons that he is legally required to start reporting donations. Brit jumps to “pro-choice Fred’s” defense. Whores are allowed to sell it to anyone with money. Mara thinks it’s no big deal, I think she’s wrong. This will be pushed by the “true conservative” crowd. Juan points out that “none of the above” is winning in R polls.
The fillibuster by the Republicans – theater or principled stand? Brit seems thoughtful, almost admiring. Odd. Chris Wallace seems puzzled that Harry Reid was unwilling to give political cover to Republicans and Bush. Mara seems to share his puzzlement. Kristol is idiotic as always. Actually says that in one FU, when the war has turned around, Democrats will be crucified for voting against the war just as it was starting the turnaround. It’s sweet how much he cares about the Democratic presidential candidates. Then takes time to go after YearlyKos. Juan points out that what Kristol calls “left” is the center. Nice. Kristol comes out for staying in Iraq 4evah. Again. Juan comes out for actually going after AQ and (a little strangely) the Taliban.
Brit thinks that there will be notable military progress to report in September. Says we’re winning. Juan points out that Hume has been saying the same thing for years. Brit claims that this time it’s really, really, really true. Just like every other time he’s claimed that he’s one shovelful from the pony.
Power Player: Richard Branson.

This Weak

Not on this week because of the British Open. So if you really want some elitism with a pinch of racism you won’t entirely miss out.

TGIF – You-Know-Who edition
Posted by TheDon
As usual, this week was full of grim news, maddending news, and news which is sadly unsurprising. There were, however, some stories which were happy, or at least gave us hope for the future. Harry Reid pulled the Defense Appropriations Bill. Michael Vick was indicted. We’ve apparently killed 29/30s of Al-Qaeda leadership. The last installation of Potter-mania comes out. SPOILER ALERT: the wizard did it.

So in honor of some of the top stories, I made a yellow drink. Use it to toast the news story of your choice. And don’t give away your stickiness.

The Golden Snitch
Piss on Vick
The Cheney Stripe

Fill a double old-fashioned glass halfway with ice
Add 3 oz vodka
Pour in 2 oz Galliano (Don’t stir, just watch; it’s a lovely effect.)
