We’re in a dogfight with the terrorists
Posted by TheDon
I don’t know how it’s playing around the country, but in Atlanta we are following the story of Mike Vick *allegedly* being in the dog fighting business with a lot of interest. It’s a bottom-feeder sport which appeals to the most cruel instincts of “humans”. In order to be involved in the “sport”, you have to believe that it’s ok to train dogs to tear each other to pieces.
from SI.com:
“It’s [Vick’s] property; it’s his dogs. If that’s what he wants to do, do it,” Portis said. He added that if Vick were convicted of dogfighting, he would be “behind bars for no reason.”
It’s the same mentality that allows the current White House to kidnap, torture, rape, bomb and kill “terrorists” – as defined by them. In their minds, terrorists are generally brown people, generally Islamists, and always hate America. Terrorists are NOT good-old-boys from Alabama with guns and bombs, looking for abortion clinics to blow up real good. They are NOT attendees of Jerry Falwell’s funeral, looking to use home-made bombs to stop troublemakers. They are certainly NOT human.
So torture away, Gonzo. Keep Gitmo open, Bob Gates. And keep killing A-Rabs, Mr President. If that’s what you want to do, do it. And if anyone goes to jail for war crimes, perjury, obstruction of justice or corruption during the execution or defense of your plans, they will be “behind bars for no reason.” In your evil low-life minds.