Sorry, No Hate Mail
I don’t get any anymore. Gee, I wonder why.
On the other hand, Jennifer had this to say:
When I saw the title of this week’s column, the first connection I made was to the “unwomen” in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale. However, as I read your column, I realized my mistake. You make some key points about how various ethnic groups are treated, but I was disappointed that you did not include women as unpersons.
Enlightened writer that you are, I’m sure you’re aware of how women are routinely marginalized in the media, which portray doctored-up images of women (e.g., Katie Couric minus ten pounds) or women who fall far outside the norm (models, actresses), propagates glib generalizations about “security moms”, relegates “women’s issues” such as athletic anorexia to the New York Times Styles section, tokenizes the few who make it almost to the top (Nancy Pelosi, Carly Fiorino); and then there are the medical studies that test on males first, even for problems such as Rett Syndrome, which primarily affects females … I could go on ad nauseam.
Nowhere are women represented in a way that accepts us as whole humans rather than a one-off version of men. Never are our concerns treated as human concerns. Always we are treated as the exception, the strident bitch, the me-too whiner.
If we are elided even from your column, then we truly are unpersons.
JenniferPS – Don’t forget the elderly, and also the children about whose interests many claim to care, but look at the crappy world we’re leaving for them.
I replied that she was absolutely right. One could write a (long) book on the topic of this week’s column, which barely scratches the surface of a topic with enormous import.