Delusional Again

The New York Times says that Libya is now ripe for the taking. Why, because we killed one guy?

Get a grip, please. As you are reading this, fighters are pouring into Libya from other countries–in addition to the Libyans themselves.


Cartoonist Eric Allie Receives the Golden Raspberry Award

Guest Blogger Susan here.

I don’t know what Ted’s policy is on criticizing other cartoonists, but I just had to respond to this one:

Yes, Steve Jobs was a capitalist pig, but unlike certain other capitalist pigs, Jobs never demanded nor received a no-strings-attached taxpayer-funded government bailout. Nor did he ever threaten to tank the economy if he didn’t receive this big, monstrous trillion dollar welfare check.

Some perspective please, Mr. Allie.

(Mu)Barak Obama

Posted By Susan Stark

At least two dictators have been toppled from government now, and George W. Bush can’t travel to due to the threat of arrest for war crimes.

What does Obama do in response to all of this information? Propose cuts in home heating for the poor.

The lack of any sense of self-preservation in this man quite stunning and frankly very creepy.

Susan out.

Setting Egypt up to Fail

posted by Susan Stark

As I write this at midnight Eastern Time, it is now morning in Egypt. The Egyptians are furious that Mubarak has not stepped down, and they are marching to the Palace to oust the Pharaoh themselves, and demanding the army to help them.

I have a distinct feeling that a game of psychological warfare is being played on the Egyptian people. Getting them so riled up and focused on getting rid of Mubarak that they forget that Suleiman the Torturer is just as bad, if not worse. I know they’re not dummies; even the illiterate peasants and slum dwellers are more knowledgeable in a sense then the average American. But they are just as prone to emotional manipulation as anyone else in the world.

I’ve read that when the Egyptians say “Mubarak Has To Go!” they mean his entire regime. I sure hope that’s still the case, because Suleiman won’t hesitate to use tactics that even Mubarak would cringe at. And if the Egyptians give in to that, it will be a major victory to imperialism around the world. Nobody will rise up if they see that the Egyptians were crushed doing so, either by force or psychological subterfuge.

I really and truly pray that Egypt will not give an inch in their fight for total freedom the entire puppet regime.

Susan out.

News of the Day

Susan here.

There was an ice-storm last night, so I have the day off again.

I’d just like to point out that what the corporate-controlled media (and unfortunately some alternative media) are calling “Mubarak supporters” should properly be called “Mubarak’s paid thugs”.

“Paid thugs” is what the Egyptian protesters are calling them, so why don’t we call them that, too?

Susan out.

Politically Incorrect Time

Susan Here.

Today is a snow day here in New York, so I’m home from work. So I’ll write.

As usual, the gun-control people are out in full force after Gifford’s shooting. I’m going to be politically incorrect by saying that we don’t need less guns, we need less crazy and stupid people willing to shoot others in random acts of violence.

I’m going to be politically incorrect in also stating that the shooter in this incident may have been controlled by someone else in order to discredit both Left and Right groups who desire revolutionary change in this country. The reason? The shooter was a Tea Partier, and at the same time a pot-smoking Karl Marx reader. The two cannot exist in the same physical body, so probably both the Tea Partier and the Karl Marx reader don’t exist in this person. But they can both exist when the objective is to discredit both by having both shoot a congresswoman at point-blank range.

Have a good one.

Susan out.

Grab ‘n’ Feel

The big topic the week seems to be airport security. Millions of white, middle- and upper-middle-class people are now experiencing what until now was experienced by mainly young men of color–arbitrary pat downs and searches.

This is mostly academic to people such as myself. I haven’t had the money to fly since 2006.

But it should be obvious to people what would be most effective in this situation: Boycott the airlines until the nonsense stops. People’s voices and votes may not be worth much these days, but the “dollar votes” are still heard loud and clear by those in power. Vote with your dollars.

But of course, I know you won’t listen. You never do. You’re gonna keep flying, and you’re gonna stand in line at 4am this Friday morning to buy crap shipped in from China.

Get a clue. Please.

Susan out.

Getting Rid of the Deficit

Susan here.

Everybody has their own ideas of getting rid of the deficit. I largely agree with my fellow Leftists that defense needs cutting and the tax cuts for the rich have to expire. Yadda, yadda, yadda.

But how about, instead of messing with Social Security and Medicare, which I’m dead set against, we institute tariffs. Americans consume most of the junk that is made in foreign countries. This would also be an indirect tax on corporations. Most likely these tariffs might be passed on to the American consumer, but, what the fuck, we like to spend, don’t we?

Another thing we can do is to institute a carbon tax. Meaning a tax on all retail sales of gas, oil, and coal. We consume all of this like flies eating shit, so this would contribute to deficit reduction.

Oh, and here’s an unconventional solution: Why don’t we decriminalize prostitution? If a woman or man is 18 years of age or older, they should be able to sell their sexuality. If it’s decriminalized, then it can be taxed like any other business is taxed. Legalized forms of sex work such as stripping and porn are already taxed; how much more revenue would be collected if straight up hooking was also taxed? Part of this money could go towards the deficit to pay it off, and would also save tax-payers in wasted billions of dollars because of “vice-arrests” of prostitutes that now occur due to criminalization. (There are people who bring up the “trafficking of minors” argument against decriminalization, but I would add that if we leave consenting adults alone, we have more money and manpower to rescue actual trafficked victims than we do now. So that argument is dead in the water.)

There are so many ways to get rid of the deficit. Starting, of course, with the military.

Empire is Dead.

Susan out.
