• Or, for those of us who are graphically challenged, the figures are provided her : http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_pri_per_cap-crime-prisoners-per-capita. Note that with 715 per 100000 of the population incarcertaed, the US good old is no 1, while poor undeveloped China, with an incarceration rate of only 119 per 100000 is only no 71. Who says the US isn’t best where it counts ?!!…


  • Hi Henri.

    In the graph, it shows Sub-Saharan countries with the least amount of people incarcerated. But this is probably because they simply can’t afford to lock people up. However, most of the European countries (except for Russia and Belarus) also have low incarceration rates. But Europe can afford to lock people up, but doesn’t. So they must be doing something right. That may change, but I hope it doesn’t.

  • Some of those countries (I’m thinking Nigeria and Angola) look to me like they might be “law-enforcement” deficient. India, on the other hand, does have a low violent crime rate (and a large population), on par with Wetern Europe, if I recall, It must be doing something right, too.

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