Guest Post: Where’s Waldo?

So it appears that Edward Snowden has gone to Russia, and now has disappeared entirely. Whatever happened to the Big Ass Hero who was willing to be extradited and put on trial to expose the whole truth to the American people? I guess that person was just a figment of our imagination, vanished in a whiff of smoke and mirrors.

Meanwhile, another whistleblower by the name of Bradley Manning is on trial for his life, and nobody is paying attention.

Susan Stark


There are some who think that I have stated that Edward Snowden should voluntarily submit to torture. Nowhere have I said any such thing, nor do I think Edward Snowden should in any way be tortured or submit to torture. Run, Snowden, RUN!!!


Guest Post: Not Subject to Debate

I heard on NPR today that Obama would like to have a “debate” and a “national discussion” on the NSA data-mining scandal.

Well of course he would. Having a “debate” on an illegimate activity is the very first step needed in making that activity legitimate and acceptable. The same thing happened with torture. Once upon a time, it was unthinkable. Then it was “debatable”.

In regards to Edward Snowden; I would hold off on proclaiming him a “hero” for the moment. I wouldn’t be surprised if Obama himself authorized the leaks, in order to make the unthinkable, thinkable.

And what would be the objective of this? To provide a means for any authority figure, from Obama right on down to the lowliest rookie cop, to admit publicly that they snooped on you, without consequence to themselves.

This is a complete breakdown of equality under the law, and an enforcement of arbitrariness (authority figures making up laws as they see fit, and changing them when it suits them). And that’s why this is not subject to debate. We are nation of laws, not of men, and that is the way it has to stay.

Because, as far as “authority figures” are concerned, they are only as powerful as the people who guard them while they sleep. The only thing ELSE that guards them is the rule of law, and once that goes, they’d better hope they made right choice of bodyguard.

Guest Blogger: The Lowdown on Thatcher

Susan here. Now that the Margaret Thatcher funeral celebrations are winding down, I think it best to present a passionate disection of her character by someone who has fought her for 40 years:

Please watch the entire episode before commenting. It’ll be worth the time spent.

Guest Blogger: Oh George, Where Art Thou?

Right now, George Junior is somewhere celebrating his victory over Saddam Hussein. Just where that “somewhere” is, we don’t know. Have fun in your little hidey-hole, Junior, and don’t forget to wipe off the coke-snot.

Susan Stark


This is guest blogger Susan Stark.

Several years ago, Mr. Rall gave me the privilege of blogging on his site. I’ve never used this privilege to address a commenter, but I think I will deviate from this by addressing everyone in general and Whimsical in particular. Here I will quote him:

“An intelligent, realistic column that doesn’t unnecessarily bash Obama and the Democrats for things beyond their control? One that I can agree with every word of?

Who are you, and what have you done with the real Ted?”

Close quote.

Well, I’d like to respond to these assumptions by pointing out a few facts.

Firstly, Ted does not *unnecessarily* bash Obama and the Democrats. Ted is a pundit and a political cartoonist. It is his job to criticize those in power, no matter what political party, when they deserve it.

Secondly, Whimsical, why is Ted “intelligent” and “reasonable” only when you agree with him? It may shock you to know that I don’t always agree with Ted, yet I still think him intelligent and reasonable even when I don’t. The main reason why I’ve read Ted for 12 years is his ability to think outside of the box; to come up with angles on a story that I and others might not see.

Thirdly, Whimsical, in case you haven’t noticed, not every article Ted has written in the past four years has about Obama and the Democrats. Contrary to what you might think, Mr. Rall doesn’t lay awake at night obsessing about how he is going to “bash Obama” the next day. And I would worry about his sanity if he did.

Fourthly, Whimsical, you state that Ted blames Obama and the Democrats for things “beyond their control”. Well, this begs the question: What exactly do the Democrats and Obama have “control” over? Anything at all? Because if the Democrats are THAT powerless to affect any meaningful change, even when they have a majority of seats in Congress, even when they have one of their own in the White House, then it does absolutely no good to either vote Democratic or support the Democratic party in any way. Yes, you can keep voting Democratic. You can give your blood, sweat and tears to the Democratic Party. You can sacrifice your firstborn child to the Democratic Party. But the result will remain the same: The Democratic Party will be powerless to affect any meaningful change.

Getting back to your last sentence, Whimsical. Where is the real Ted and what have you done with him? Answer: The real Ted Rall is a person who can think outside of the box and give criticism (and credit) where it is due. However, you seem to think that Ted should become a type of informal spokesman for the Democrats. The trouble with that is that the newssphere is so saturated with Democratic shills that one more would break the camel’s back, I’m afraid.

But, of course, that’s not to say that Ted would *never* become a Democratic shill. He *could* decide to do that. But if he did, I would hazard that he would have the self-respect to demand to be paid through the nose and be granted his own cable news show on a major network like CNN or MSNBC. And why not? It worked for Al Sharpton, didn’t it?

Soooo, Whimsical, are you in a position to pay Ted up to his hair-line with filthy lucre and give him his own show on a major news network? Because that’s what it’s going to take to make him see things your way.

Viva la Difference!

Susan here.

I have a housemate who has an 11 year old daughter. Every day after school the girl hits the Disney Channel to watch Hanna Montana and her various clones.

I thought it might be fun to demonstrate what I watched when I was 11 years of age. Can you spot the differences?

How to be a Good Tourist

Susan here.

I have a suggestion for tourists who visit foreign countries: If you bring your own food, at least have the decency not to bring it into a local restaurant and eat it. Or better yet, try ordering the local cuisine.

Seriously, that’s like a New Yorker bringing his own food into a Montreal restaurant. Show some courtesy.

Christopher Hitchens R.I.P.

People are mourning the loss of Christopher Hitchens. I’d say they’re a bit late in the game for that. I mourned the loss of Hitchens way back in 2003 when he decided to throw whatever principles he had in the trash and promote the war of agression against Iraq. He was pretty much dead to me after that.

Susan Stark
