How America Was Saved

Americans aren’t cut out for austerity. And there, ladies and gentlemen, lies our greatest hope for economic recovery.

TARP: Because It’s Payback Time

Bankers that received federal bailouts are complaining that the government is changing the terms and conditions of their loans after the fact. Sounds familiar.

Get a Job!

The collapse of the New Economy leads to a reversal of the old conservative report to the downtrodden.

Not for Long

Obama’s economic stimulus plan calls for higher taxes on people who earn over $250K after 2011. Will anyone earn that much by then?

Financial Planning

Consumers face a bizarre dilemma–wait for money to become more valuable? Or risk it becoming worthless?

Only a Matter of Time

Even as the economy drags the United States into oblivion, many Americans keep up appearances of normalcy.

Trickle-Down Obamanomics

Obama’s bailout plan helps the corporations who caused the economic mess, and not one of their victims.

Surrender in the Name of the U.S.

Bush—er, Obama—can’t come up with $1 trillion to fill what Paul Krugman describes as a nearly $3 trillion hole. Yet he, and no one else, ever questions the wisdom of escalating our other doomed war, the one against the people of Afghanistan.

Not Dead Yet

I’d like to be wrong about this. I really do. Just like I wanted to be wrong about Iraq. And Afghanistan. And Obama. But I doubt it.
