That Sickening FeelingNovember 17, 2010•Ted Rall In his memoirs, former President George W. Bush says he has a “sickening feelinbg” whenever he thinks about the failure of the United States to find weapons of mass destructon (WMDs) in Iraq.
So Many AccomplishmentsNovember 15, 2010•Ted Rall Obama points to his many accomplishments. But no one cares. Which is why he got his ass kicked in the 2010 midterm elections.
Can’t Out-Republican the RepublicansNovember 12, 2010•Ted Rall Obama prepares to tack even further to the right…even more than before. Not that it worked before the midterm elections.
The World’s Biggest Book ClubNovember 10, 2010•Ted Rall Just a random thought about a system of belief we’re supposed to pay attention to.
The Four Stages of Government ResponsivenessNovember 6, 2010•Ted Rall As government ages, it becomes less interested in what the people care about.
The MessageNovember 5, 2010•Ted Rall The Obama Administration thinks it accomplished a lot, but that we weren’t paying attention. Actually, they were the ones not paying attention.
At Last: America UnitedNovember 1, 2010•Ted Rall Obama has managed to unite Americans on the Left and the Right: everyone is disgusted.
Early RetirementOctober 29, 2010•Ted Rall The French are rioting to keep the retirement age at 60. We’re way ahead of them.